
TCBI 01: Interview With Anil Agarwal From Bloggers Passion

Interview With Anil Agarwal – Last time we enjoyed the Interview with Erik Emanuelli from NoPassiveIncome. Now, we are gonna have the interview of our Pro Blogger, Anil Agarwal who is the founder of Bloggers Passion.

Firstly, I would like to thank him for his acceptance for the interview.


Interview With Anil Agarwal – Bloggers Passion

This is the 4th interview of my blog!!

The interview with Anil Agarwal is really interesting. And he is in the featured of top blogs like SEMRush, Problogger, Neil Patel, Dailyblogtips, Zac Johnson and more sites. I am very proud to share this because Blogger passion is one of my favorite blogs.

Read this interview and post your valuable comments. And if you like the post, share it on social media!!

#Share us few things about yourself and your blog?

Hi Guys! My name is Anil Agarwal and I’m the guy behind blog. I have been running this successfully since 2010. With this blog, I’m aiming at helping those bloggers who want to start a blog of their own and earn money from it.

#What made you enter in blogging?

I was due to my SEO career I get into Blogging domain. Initially, I was using free blogging sites to create backlinks for business websites. But with time I started noticing the true potential of blogging.

#How was your experience in blogging at the initial stage?

I would say my experience in blogging domain has been full of learning from day one till date. I must say I have improved a lot as a blogger over the period of time. No doubt there have been ups and downs in this journey.

Sometime back my blog was hit by Google Animals (Panda & Penguin), but with my SEO skills, I was able to recover from them.

When I started blogging, Google Adsense was the only way I know to earn money from my blogs. But when my Adsense account was banned due to reasons which were not in my control, for a moment I feel as if everything is lost. But then slowly I started learning about other monetization methods.

#What’s your strategy for creating visibility to yourself and your blog?

There are lots of things I’m try doing for increasing visibility for my blog and me.

  • I try to drive maximum traffic to my blog from search engines.
  • I also try to be active on major social media sites and try to connect with other bloggers in my niche and my blog readers.
  • I try to help whenever someone reach out to be online/offline.
  • Recently started building an email list as these days everyone is saying Money is in the list.
  • Trying to be more active on other blogs in my niche through my guest posts, comments and being part of various roundup posts.
#Name your favorite blog and blogger

My favorite bloggers are Brian Dean from Backlinko, Neil Patel, Matthew Woodward & Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income.

#Name your favorite post published in your blog

Its very difficult to pick a few posts which are my favorite as most of them are my favorite. Still sharing couple of them here:

#Who is your inspiration in blogging?

Amit Agarwal & Darren from are my inspirations. I started learning about blogging initially through their blogs and Amit Agarwal’s one of popular post on Labnol where he has shared his Adsense earnings really motivated me to get into blogging.

#What is your advice for the new blogger to make their blog successful?

For New Bloggers, I would just say pick a niche you are most passionate about and keep working hard on it for the first year at least. Don’t give up within 3-4 months time when you see you are not getting the results. So give your blog at least one year before deciding whether it was a success or failure.

#What is the important factor you always see for your blog post to reach maximum?

I try to make sure each and every post that I’m doing on my blog is SEO optimized. I try to give it a killer headline and description. And most importantly try to target one keyword at least with most of my posts.

#Which tool or website is useful to make a blog famous?

There are different tools available depending upon our needs. We can use SEMrush or Moz to do competitor analysis and for improving our own websites and blog SEO. BuzzSumo can be used to find the most shared headline for any entered keyword.

#Can you tell few things about my blog “Traffic Crow”?

I really love your blog design. You have nicely used your homepage to show important pages & offers. There is one suggestion I would like to share at the post level. Right now no content is available in the first fold at post level as most of the space is used by your post title & featured image. You can think of using a small image here.

#What’s your strategy with your blog in general?

My Strategy with my blog is to help newbie bloggers with their blogging needs. I want to help them to be successful with their blogs. And at the same time want to make a name for me and my blog.

17 thoughts on “TCBI 01: Interview With Anil Agarwal From Bloggers Passion”

  1. Great answers and some that I can use. I know most of the bloggers that you admire and they are all on my list as well. The greatest downfall for me has always been traffic and still that is the same. Perhaps I will find something more from the posts of yours and the others to help solve that problem for me.

    1. Hi John,

      Thanks for stopping by. Lack of traffic is definitely one of the most common struggles for majority of the bloggers so you’re not alone.

      Focus on just one thing. Doing keyword research. If you are not doing it yet, you should do as soon as possible. You can use tools like Long tail pro, SEMrush etc to find great keywords to quickly boost your overall traffic.

      And keep on writing great content, link to others and let them know whenever you do. That’s how you usually get incoming links.

      Let me know if you’ve any questions.

    1. Hi Rohit,

      Thanks for being a regular reader of my blog. I hope you are enjoying your stay at my blog and also thank you for commenting here on my interview post.

      Do let me know if you’ve any questions.. keep rocking.

  2. Hey Sathish,

    Anil has shared some great points here. I totally agree with his point of not giving up in a few months. Newbies try to get the results fast.

    But you should know, blogging is a slow process which would require the time. You should try your best to boost the blog.
    Great interview.

    1. Hi Ravi,

      Glad to see you here. I know that first few months of blogging is really the hardest when you really don’t get much traffic, sales or attention from other bloggers.

      That’s when you should just focus on creating more instead of focusing on the results. I would say, don’t focus on traffic or money for the first 6 to 8 months. Then, you will slowly understand how the making money online thing works.

      Then, you can learn more about SEO and selling skills to improve your overall website traffic and sales. Let me know what you think!

  3. Hi Sathish,

    I am here from the comment you left on my blog and glad to know more about you. Also, thanks for sharing this very useful interview with Anil Agarwal who is one of the best bloggers from India who publishes very useful and unique content on his blog.

    Looking forward to read more updates in your blog. Have a great time blogging.

    Best regards

    Reji Stephenson

  4. Exactly, the first months when you are a newbie, things are hard then. It is a difficult time, as what you lack is experience. And one thing which I have understood in the blogging world, is that what things work for some one else, are not sue too work for you as well.

    So it required intense amount of experimenting and hard work, to make your own success formula. Another great interview I read. Reading a lot of interviews really gives you the mindset you need to have so as to set on your blogging journey. Great Work Sathish, with this series!

    1. Hi Jack,

      Glad you liked it. I know being a beginner is a frustrating thing because you will be in the learning stage and you will also have to invest money and time to become a success.

      That’s when you need to be persistent and not to give up when you don’t see immediate results.

      Also make sure to focus on creating a vision for your blog so you won’t give up easily when things go south. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hi Sathish,

    Great interview and the questions were amazing. I know Anil since 2012 when we used to do some social media vote sharing to increase each others post’s reach.

    He is a great guy and very helping nature. I admire his success he has been doing an amazing job.

    I agree with his answers blog only that you passionate about that increase chances of success.

  6. Hi Satish,

    An inspiration interview and tips from one of the most inspiring bloggers in India. I visit his blog almost daily, and every time I get notified about his new post, I know that it’s going to be something helpful.

    Great job.


    Shafi Khan.

  7. Hi,
    I’m working as a inbound marketing specialist in one corporate, Everyday consecutively running ad’s via double click campaign & doing various back link submissions only. Most of the times I’m not interested to read any blogs, if i were try to do, i getting bored and simply close tab. But for the past 7 months I’m completely inspired to read blogger passion website blogs. Really very helpful for my career to the next level and have confident. Thank you so much Anil Agarwal Sir. Your’e the inspiration for me. Thank you sathis. Great Interview with my educator and role model.

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