Top SEO Experts List

Top SEO Experts List You Must Follow In 2023 & Forever

Want to learn more about SEO? Then, you must follow these top SEO experts list. Following those SEO expert’s online spaces, reading blogs and publications would be a good start.

Indeed, this is a kind of free education. Every day, these SEO’s publish articles on SEO and its related strategies, hacks and even more. SEO is not something narrow, it’s a big arsenal. Moreover, it’s an arbitrary field that keeps changing day by day. You have to be constantly learning and keeping yourself updated to the latest trends.

To do so, finding the top SEO experts in the industry and following them would be a great way. Few of the SEO experts in this list have developed amazing SEO tools too.

The professionals I am presenting here is not somebody who has included the term ‘SEO’ in their job title. And, the list is not curated from any voting counts or something. The people here are real SEO experts who are all outstanding in performing SEO with respect to the market standards.

Basically, this is to help you to find exciting people who know more about SEO than usual SEO professionals. These individuals are unique in their style of SEO approaches and strategies.

And, I am sure that this list of SEO experts to follow would be more useful to improve your SEO potential.


Top SEO Experts List To Follow

No offense, if you are not on the list. I will keep updating this list of SEO experts often. I know still, there are thousands and hundreds of SEO experts are there who are less popular or unrecognized. Still, they are not visible or influencing the market. But, the SEO individuals in the list are remarkable in moving the SEO industry forward with strategic tips, insights, etc.

Most importantly, I haven’t put down the list or sort it in any order. Every position is equally treated.

#1 Neil Patel

Neil PatelNeil Patel is one most popular SEO and online marketing specialists. He owns multiple businesses like Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics, Quick Sprout and so on. With his SEO expertise, he has given Ubersuggest to the users to make keyword research simpler.

Having immense knowledge in SEO and content marketing, he helps individuals of any expertise level. Following his blogs like would be more helpful. For any topic, you want to learn, he has content published.

Website: Neil Patel

Twitter @neilpatel

#2 Brian Dean

Brian DeanBrian Dean is known for his unique SEO strategies. Being the founder of, he often publishes more detailed articles and guidance on every tiny element of SEO. For an instant, 200 Google ranking factors, on-page SEO articles were gaining more attention. The one reason being, its infographics.

Indeed, the skyscraper technique for building backlinks and content promotion would be his masterpiece. Most of the expert bloggers and webmasters would recommend this for efficient online promotions.

Website: Backlinko

Twitter @backlinko

#3 Nathan Gotch

Nathan GotchIf you are more specific about proven SEO strategies, then he is the one. Anything about keyword analysis, link building, technical SEO or tricks to influence Google ranking and so on. Nathan Gotch who blogs on also offers professional online training on SEO to the people.

Even, I am a serious follower of Nathan. I am sure you will be able to learn more new stuff around SEO in case of reading his articles or attending his online courses (Gotch Academy).

You can see almost all of his posts will get more than 500 blog comments for sure. Only amazing content can perform well and attracts more visitors and hence blog comments. Moreover, his ideas and content will be simple even beginners can observe easily.

Website: GotchSEO

Twitter @nathangotch

#4 Rand Fishkin

Rand FishkinAs a formal co-founder of MOZ, an SEO company, Rand Fishkin is familiar among all SEO professionals. He stepped from MOZ and founded SparkToro. His articles on MOZ WhiteFriday were more popular for learning outstanding SEO pieces of stuff.

Even now you could see more videos by Matts Cutts incorporated in more blogs that get more views. He is also a great speaker, expert writer, and a passionate blogger. His book names “Lost & Founder” has gained more audience.

Website: Spark Toro

Twitter @randfish

#5 Danny Sullivan

Danny SullivanHe is the co-founder of Third Door Media, editor at Search Engine Land, and Marketing Land. Indeed, he is an analyst works for Google and also helps people to solve any issues that are related to searches.

Danny Sullivan is the founder of Search Engine Watch. The blog is more popular for its articles with fresh SEO updates. If you want to learn more about the SEO trends, or latest updates, then you must follow this blog.

Website: Search Engine Watch

Twitter @dannysullivan

#6 Barry Schwartz

Barry SchwartzThe CEO of Rusty Brick, the New York-based web service firm that helps the business to improve online sales at minimal investments. He is also the power behind Search Engine Roundtable, the SEO news website that comes up with more than 5 articles every day.

The online space that helps you to find the most interesting threads that are taking place in the search engine marketing forums. SERoundtable also accepts submissions or forum thread from the community.

Website: Search Engine Roundtable

Twitter @rustybrick

#7 Loren Baker

Lorren BakerLoren Baker is the founder of Search Engine Journal and Co-founder of Foundation digital. Loren loves SEO for the balance of data and creativity it claims for. You will find more informative articles as well as the sponsored articles on various SEO tools and services over SEJ. The article theme and content flow would be interesting to read a lot.

I love reading SEJ articles often on any topics related to SEO, ranking, SEM, etc. Even, more expert writers like Roger Montti, Julie Joyce are popular content contributors to SEJ.

Website: Search Engine Journal

Twitter @lorenbaker

#8 Aleh Barysevich

Aleh BarysevichAleh Barysevich is the founder of companies Link-Assistant and SEO PowerSuite. He recently developed an outstanding social media monitoring tool, Awario that gains more welcome among social media marketers.
And, SEO PowerSuite, one of the most powerful SEO tools that always stand with the search engine algorithms.

Recently, I have published Aleh’s interview on this blog. He has shared more interesting things about SEO PowerSuite and its incredibility. He also contributes more valuable articles to Search Engine Land.

Website: Link-Assistant

Twitter @ab80

#9 Chase Reiner

Chase ReinerChase Reiner being in the SEO industry since 2015 popular with his YouTube channel. The place where he spends more time to teach SEO to fellow subscribers. Most interestingly, he is one of the highly-rated SOE consultants on Google gaining around 300 five star reviews.

Chase Reiner’s Facebook group has around 20 thousand members and he has more video documentation all about white-hat SEO techniques. Chase helps more businesses on website audit, and SEO consulting for their betterment.

Website: Chase Reiner

Twitter @SEO_Chase

#10 Robbie Richards

Robbie RichardsRobbie is the founder of the blog in his name and also the marketing director @ Virayo (the search marketing agency for SaaS businesses). I must tell this, I love reading his articles since his blog headlines itself will be more attractive.

And you will see his blog posts receive more blog comments.
Robbie Richards loves SEO since its being constantly evolving and with which he is confident to get desirable outcomes to his clients.

Website: Robbie Richards

Twitter @RobbieRichMktg

#11 Tim Soulo

Tim SouloTim Soulo is one of the great assets of Ahrefs. He is the CMO and product advisor at Ahrefs, the popular SEO tool that is powered by BigData. The inspiring thing is that Tim is also an international speaker and an outstanding author of more SEO research studies.

Ahrefs blog is one of the strategic places to learn every edge of SEO and its tricks. Tim’s search traffic study article would be more helpful to drive organic traffic to your site. In 2018, Ahrefs blog receives 200K + visitors a month from Google.

Website: Ahrefs

Twitter @timsoulo

#12 Oleg Shchegolev

Oleg ShchegolevThe CEO & founder of SEMRush, the all-in-one SEO and marketing tool kit that every online webmaster must be familiar. He is not only popular for powerful SEO tool kit, SEMRush but also for publishing worth reading articles on SEMRush blog space.

Anything from organic SEO to search engine marketing to social media to anything, SEMRush blog would be a great resource. Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitri Melnikov with their tireless efforts and market study, PC Magazine rated SEMRush as the best SEO tool.

Website: SEMRush

Twitter @semrush

#13 Joost De Valk

Joost De ValkJoost De Valk is the founder and chief product officer of Yoast. Not only an SEO expert, but Joost is also a leading digital marketing and web developer. The surprising fact is Yoast SEO plug-ins are available for multiple open-source platforms and active on 900+ million sites.

Alongside, with his SEO expertise, Joost also server more businesses as an SEO advisor. Only with thorough knowledge, he could come up with such top-notch SEO plug-in that now dominates the on-page SEO areas.

Website: Yoast

Twitter @jdevalk

#14 Nikolay Stoyanov

Nikolay StoyanovNik is the founder of Niksto. He was a self-learner when he started his career in SEO. I had come across his mention that Brian Dean’s ‘SEO That Works’ online course was the game-changer in his SEO journey. Now he has a plethora of dental clients for proven business results.

You could find more professional articles on advanced SEO strategies like blogger outreach on his blog. He is a strategic SEO expert in his unique way. He is good at keyword research and Google penalty recovery.

Website: Niksto

Twitter @niksto82

#15 Razvan Gavrilas

Razvan GavrilasThe founder and chief architect of cognitiveSEO. Since 2010, Razvan is in this SEO field developed a full-suite SEO tool simplifying the link analysis, visualizing backlinks, social footprint tracking, and analysis and even more. Cognitive SEO tool integrates with Majestic tool for SEO intelligence and ROI.

He is also a great writer contributing valuable articles to popular blogs like Search Engine Journal and so on. Basically, he is passionate about developing SEO tools that focus on ranking signals analysis and solving issues that belong to search engine optimization.

Website: cognitiveSEO

Twitter @razvan_gavrilas

#16 Darren Rowse

Darren RowseDarren Rowse is a multi-faceted personality in the SEO arsenal. He is a problogger, speaker, SEO consultant, and founder of several blog networks like b5media, Digital Photography, ProBlogger, etc.

Also, you can find his ProBlogger podcast on iTunes. If you want to be a successful blogger, then must be the follower of his blog ProBlogger that is all about blogging. Also, he has written books on blogging like ’31 days to build a better blog workbook’ and even more.

Website: ProBlogger

Twitter @problogger

#17 Jeff Bullas

Jeff BullasJeff Bullas is the owner of The top influencer of Chief Marketing Officers and the world’s top social marketing talent, accredited by Forbes. Similarly, mentioned him as one of the top 20 digital marketing experts to follow on Twitter. Also, ranked as #1 Global Content Marketing Influencer 2018.

Jeff is such an outstanding professional in the SEO, especially content marketing specialist. He is also a keynote speaker and bestselling author.

Website: Jeff Bullas

Twitter @jeffbullas

#18 Ann Smarty

Ann SmartyAnn Smarty is the founder of ViralContentBee and Community Manager at InternetMarketinNinjas. Being a guest blogger, she loves to build relationships and hence started MyBlogGuest to help bloggers to attract new readers.

She also owns another blog MyBlogU, the content marketing platform to gather bloggers and writers for the most epic content creation. She is also a popular guest author on Search Engine Watch and so on.

Website: MyblogU

Twitter @seosmarty

#19 Gael Breton

Gael BretonGael Breton is one of the co-founders of Authority Hacker. The editor in chief who is responsible for content creation and curation for the blogs and training courses. And he loves to research SEO tools and tricks.

He is a good speaker too, spoken to several conferences. He has also appeared in Ahrefs and SEMRush podcasts and webinars multiple times.

Mark Webster is another co-founder of Authority Hacker. He is good at developing small-scale experiments in content creation and link building for the prompt results

Website: Authority Hacker

Twitter @GaelBreton

#20 Glen Alsopp

Glen AlsoppGlen Alsopp is the owner of with his 16 years of expertise in SEO and online marketing field, he runs multiple affiliate sites that run big money. Following his blog, Detailed, you will learn such kinds of stuff. If you want to grow your site organic traffic, then follow his ideas and tricks.

He also owns ViperChill, the internet marketing blog. He also loves traveling. Other than SEO, you will be able to make money online reading his Detailed blog articles.

Website: Detailed

Twitter @viperchill

#21 Dr. Pete Meyers

Dr. Pete MeyersDr. Pete is the Marketing Scientist at MOZ. He is an avid content marketer and his research almost targets the future of the MOZ tool. You will astonish to read his stunning articles on any topics related to SEO publishing on MOZ blog.

He has been in the SEO industry for more than 8 years and he has also participated in more SEO conferences. MOZ team gives him recognition as ‘Subject Matter Experts’. Being a professional analyst and author, you will find his articles more informative. He has a detailed study on conversion rate too.

Website: MOZ

Twitter @dr_pete

#22 Oleg Salamaha

Oleg SalamahaYou might be familiar with the fast trending SEO tool, Serpstat. Oleg Salamaha is the founder and board member of Serpstat. He is a good speaker too and proved it @ SEOConf 2015, SmartSEO, WebCamp, Lviv iCamp and even more.

You could get more stunning articles and videos on Serpstat blog space. Being a man behind such a powerful SEO tool, he also writes more amazing content on SEO and its related topics. He deserves to be a part of this top SEO experts list.

Website: Serpstat

Twitter @gelo_biz

#23 Daryl Rosser

Daryl RosserDaryl Rosser may be relatively latecomer to this SEO world. But now he is most popular as a local SEO consultant and manages a successful blog, Lion Zeal. He has more interviews with experts like Tim Soulo, Nathan Gotch, etc. and, his LionZeal MasterMind Facebook group has got good response having more than 20,000+ members.

Lion Zeal is yet another SEO blog to follow. Also, he does offer creative digital marketing courses and Lion Zeal consulting program to help other bloggers to learn SEO related pieces of stuff, blogging and making money online.

Website: Lion Zeal

Twitter @darylrosser

#24 Aleyda Solis

Aleyda Solis

A renowned international SEO consultant & the founder of Orainti – a specialized boutique SEO consulting firm; Aleyda Soli has worked with many popular brands like Under Armour or Eastpak to develop their successful SEO strategies. In 2016, Forbes had named her as one of the top 10 online marketing experts to follow.

We recommend all SEO start-ups to give her a follow since she offers a treasure trove of information and tricks to succeed in the competitive SEO field. Her popular book “SEO,

Las Claves Esenciales” is a must tread for all aspiring SEO professionals.

Website: aleydasolis

Twitter @aleyda

Finally Take Off: Top SEO Experts List

SEO is a demanding industry where your consistent learning, creativity, and technical expertise can make you remarkable. Indeed, your thirst for knowledge brings you out and takes far away.

I hope this top SEO experts list and their blog networks would be more helpful to master in SEO. Indeed, I know I have missed even more successful SEOs in the list.

Feel free to suggest me if you feel that I have missed to include so and so expert whom you follow. Certainly, we are happy to review and update the list.

5 thoughts on “Top SEO Experts List You Must Follow In 2023 & Forever”

  1. Thanks alot for this information. I’m going to follow these people to stay updated with the latest SEO strategy. Thanks man you made my day

  2. Jordan,

    Thanks for checking out this article and marking your comments. Still, there are several other SEO experts whom I have not listed here. But being consistent in following experts, reading and upgrading ourselves would help better to be successful.

  3. I regularly follow Neil Patel and Brian Dean’s blog. They have amazing articles and some of the best SEO tips that you can implement. The best thing I find about there articles is that they are easy to read and digest.

    I’ll surely check out the rest of SEO experts mentioned on your list. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hey Sathish Arumugam,

    I know that seo is a demanding industry where we can learn , create and technical expertise can make our remarkable. You have suggested awesome list of seo experts that we can follow in which i read neil patel because they have amazing articles and seo tips.

    The article of Neil patel is very easy to read and digest and thank for suggested other experts i am going to follow thses people to get latest seo tips.

    thank you,

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