Best Grammarly Alternatives

Best Grammarly Alternatives – Cheap Writing Tools For Any Writers (2023 update)

As a complete online Grammar/plagiarism checking tool, “Grammarly” had always been far ahead of the curve on most fronts, especially when compared with other similarly priced word check competitors. But with a number of supposedly nicer best Grammarly alternatives, especially cheaper ones hitting the market, will Grammarly still be able to retain its crown as the best online proofreader on the planet? Can it even compete?

Well, with today’s Alternatives to “Grammarly” roundup, we are going to be having a closer look at 5 of the finest word/plagiarism checkers on the web, see if they’re worth the hype, check out their features, pros, cons, etc…

So In dedication to all the “blue-moon” writers (like us) all out there;

Let’s get started!

Top Best Grammarly Alternatives – First, Let’s Look At Grammarly

Whether in its free version or paid, Grammarly offers everything you’d ever need to help take your content to the next level. It can find and fix misspells, grammatical errors, f refine sentence structures, and even increase their readability. And the best part? It all comes packed within a very gorgeous, minimal UI too.

The attention to detail with Grammarly is immaculate, to say the least. There’s a free trial for 7 days, and for good measure, you can often get top discounts too. No more proofreading emails for hundreds of time, Grammarly can do it for you, with plugins for both Chrome and safari that can, in real-time, fix what you type into the web. Not only that, there is also a keyboard app for iOS & Android that does the same. Finally, with a premium plagiarism checker, find & stop others from copying your work without permission, as Grammarly scans billions of web pages & can highlight “copy” contents in an instant.


Put simply, Grammarly is awesome – period! And to prove our point, here’s a closer look at this wonder tools top features:

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  • Modern, Minimal interface
  • Powerful Grammar and error checking setup with real-time tracking
  • Extremely powerful plagiarism checker with ever-growing database (16 billion w-pages till now)
  • Support both American and British English styles
  • Exceptional cross-platform support (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)
  • Inbuilt readability index
  • Enjoy free trial


The list goes on…

Alternatives to Grammarly – Why To Go?

From it was launched back in 2009, we here at spark blogging have always been massive fans of their great word checking services. In fact, we ourselves had often recommended them a lot to our colleagues (and them to others). But as much as we love it, we have never been really able to make peace with its tall price tag of $23.96/month.

Enter best Grammarly alternatives – your next best options for a Grammarly-like experience sans breaking the bank.

Don’t get us wrong. Grammarly is well worth every penny you throw at it. However, that, unfortunately, doesn’t change the fact there may also be many dudes out there who can’t afford it, let alone stay subscribed for years.

Dedicated just for them, here are five of the top free alternative to Grammarly solutions that offers the best bang for the bucks:

Top Grammarly Competitor Sites – Best Content Checking Software (2023 Edition)

Honestly, it wasn’t easy finding the top Grammarly cheaper alternatives, since most of them weren’t even close to offering the goodness the former had. But then again, there were a few that came close to the marquee.

Here, have a detailed look at them;

#1 ProWritingAid

A favorite for many full-time writers, editors, students, and teachers, “ProWritingAid” is more than just a grammar/spell checker. It analyses your style of writing, offering plenty of suggestions in real-time to improve it better.

Like Grammarly, you can tune PWA to suit better the style of contents you write, be it blogs, academic, or fun casual posts. Plus, with UK, US, and General English styles too pick from, your pieces will always be an easy read. With 25+ checks on important parameters, including sentence structures, length, spelling, grammar, etc., composing an impressive, error-free article is never a big deal for you with this best free Grammarly alternative.

With seamless support for web browsers, PWA can also be integrated with MS Office & Google Docs for faster, easier daily access. Grammar and spell checkers are available for both free and the premium users however like Grammarly, plagiarism detector is fully limited to premium users, which will cost you $70 per year.

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  • A grammar &spell checker, style editor, and writing mentor all packed into one
  • Powerful plagiarism checker with vast webpage database support
  • Inbuilt readability index support
  • A whole host of extra useful content improving tools
  • Cross-platform

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  • Lags a bit when dealing with larger documents
  • Very limited free version


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#2 Ginger Software

Another popular top alternative for Grammarly, the best thing about Ginger, in our opinion, has to be its high accuracy, personalized suggestions, and user-friendly design – ideal for both professionals & newbies alike.

With a choice of British or American English, Ginger can, in real-time, track your writing, highlighting errors & suggesting handy tips to help enhance your content quality. Plus as one of its top features, the tool comes with an inbuilt translator with support for over 60+ languages, including French, Hindi, Chinese, Russian, etc…

Beyond all the other perks like a personalized dictionary, thesaurus, and backup, Ginger works with all most all major platforms including Windows, Mac, Android, and popular browsers like Chrome, Safari, etc…for casual users, the free version will be more than enough. But if you want all the features, you need to pay $20/month for the premium.

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  • Superior spell &grammar check support
  • Supports nearly every major languages in the world (60 and counting)
  • Light, simpler interface
  • Excellent cross-platform support (web, Apple, Windows, Android)
  • Fast, relevant contextual translation
  • Built-in English trainer

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  • The free version is extremely limited
  • No plagiarism checker


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#3 WhiteSmoke

Fuelled by an algorithm that’s similar to Grammarly, WhiteSmoke is more than just a free alternative to Grammarly. Rather it’s a full-fledged content checker of its own right.

So what makes it so awesome? Let’s see;

First off, you have all the usual fares; spell checker, grammar fix, punctuation & writing style editors, prose refiner, etc… everything you need to help bring you’re A-game to the writing-table. Furthermore, you get access to a hundred+ writing templates, such as reports, notes, thank you notes, resume, and more. The built-in plagiarism checker is one of the best we’ve ever seen. And yes, a backup feature too is available.

Next up, we have a translator which we found to be pretty proficient. It supported over 50 languages, and the translation themselves were pretty good – accurate, context, and all. Besides, you also get access to a comprehensive list of synonymous via the built-in thesaurus so that you will never be at a loss for words either.

With support for every top platform, WhiteSmoke offers a free 4-day trial, with the plans starting from $4.16/month.

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  • powerful plagiarism checker
  • highly accurate spell and grammar checking with real-time, effective tutorials
  • Excellent customer support
  • Emails you weekly with performance reports, and ways to improve
  • Up-to-date dictionary and thesaurus
  • Very affordable

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  • Though it resembles Grammarly, the interface is not as polished
  • The low tier plan is almost worthless


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#4 Hemmingway Editor

Named after a famous author, Hemmingway isn’t your typical alternative free as it isn’t an in=depth grammar/spell checker like Ginger or WhiteSmoke, instead, it’s designed to improve your style of writing.

Helped along with a colored highlighting system, you just need to paste or write your contents into the Hemmingway editor. It will then scan the document and highlight your contents with different bright colors, with each shade representing different types of “improvements” you can make to enhance the said content’s quality.

For instance, light blue highlights weak words, typically adverbs that need replacing. Green highlights passive voice, purple means the content is complex, and yellow indicates common errors & tough sentences. Finally, we have red, which highlights difficult to read the lines are. It’s an extension of yellow, but for severe cases.

Surely, Hemming-Way isn’t exactly the finest example of the best alternatives to Grammarly premium in any case. But being free and all, you can use this tool in tandem with other content editors in this review to further enhance your words.

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  • Fast and easy to use
  • Powerful sentence structuring and prose refining capabilities
  • Color-based error marking
  • Can work on even older hardware too
  • Elegant interface
  • Free to use

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  • Pretty barebones in terms of features
  • No backup support


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#5 After The Deadline

Sure, the name “After The Deadline” may not be enough to invoke much confidence. But we assure you: it’s literally every bit as good as some of the other nicest Grammarly cheaper alternative solutions in this review.

Available as an add-on for Chrome, Firefox, and WordPress, After The Deadline or ATD goes well beyond the basics of spelling and grammar checks. It conducts stylistic analysis, highlighting passive voice usage and nearly every other pitfall common to content writing. The very unobtrusive interface is pretty eye candy, with spelling errors highlighted in red, green for grammar suggestions, and blur for style issues.

Free for personal use, you need an internet connection to use this handy tool. You can download the add-on from their website.

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  • Powerful Grammar & spell checker
  • Advanced content style checking feature with smart suggestions
  • Misused words/phrases/metaphors detection
  • Simple UI
  • No installation required
  • Free to use

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  • Not exactly suitable for professional writing needs
  • Poor customer support


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Grammarly Free Alternatives – Frequently Asked Questions

Now that we are nearing the end of our review on alternatives to Grammarly for Mac and windows, how about we wrap it up with a quick FAQ session? We’re sure you have questions. Here’s your chance to get some of them answered.

Well, let’s dive in;

[su_spoiler title=”1) Is Grammarly good?” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow”]Yes, it is. In fact, Grammarly is currently THE most popular commercial online content checker on the planet right now, with millions of users. It’s fast, its efficient, the accuracy is unparalleled, and of course, it’s good looking too.

In fact, as ironical as it might seem, this article on best Grammarly alternatives too has been proofread by Grammarly itself.

Yup, that’s how crazy good Grammarly is![/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”2) Grammarly or WhiteSmoke – which is better for plagiarism checking?” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow”]Though they are both fuelled by nearly identical algorithms, Grammarly – in our opinion – has more robust plagiarism checking facility.

Its speedy, its accurate, shows how much has been copied and yes, highlights it too.

Of course, that’s not to say WhiteSmoke is bad or anything – it’s not. It’s just that we feel Grammarly is more consistent here.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”3) I am a novice – can I still use these best Grammarly alternatives?” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow”]Yes, you can. In fact, keeping brand new users in mind, nearly all of them come with handy tutorials & guides regarding how to use these best Grammarly alternatives.

Refer to websites for more information.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”4) Where can I download them?” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow”]You can get this Grammarly alternative for Mac and windows from their respective app stores. If you are on a browser, download the required “plugins” from their sites.

You can also find more about their plans & prices there.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”5) Can they be trusted with sensitive documents?” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow”]Absolutely! With super strict content policies, they will never ever publish your content or access them without your knowledge, ever.

And yes, that’s a promise![/su_spoiler]

Free Grammarly alternatives – Is Free Versions Better than Premium ones?

As far as the best Grammarly alternatives go, there are two types: free & premium. However, how do you decide which one is the better choice for you? Well, it depends on who you are, what you’re doing, and of course, your budget.

If you are a blue-moon writer or just a student looking to double-check your homework, a free content checker, in most cases, will suffice. However, it’s better to pay the premium if you want to go for a more refined writing session. Put simply; the premium versions are best for professional writers, careerists, editors, etc…

Thankfully, most c-checkers offer free trials. So try them out first, get a feel for them, and if you feel they’re worth it, swipe the card then.

If not, just stick with the free version (until the need arises) and be done with it.

Grammarly Similar Sites – Lets Conclude

Writing great articles with immaculate precision and seamless flow is literally art that even experts can’t seem to master – well, until Grammarly, that is… suddenly, you can now churn out nice content with next to no errors, no misspells, and amazing prose, all with the help of this great online proofreading tool.

But then again, you can now also pretty much do all of the above (and more!) with the best Grammarly alternatives as well – at cheap costs, no less. So the question, again, arises: are they now good enough to beat Grammarly? No. they aren’t – they still have a long way to go before even coming close to Grammarly’s goodness and reliability – Period!

In other words, go only for these Grammarly alternatives if you want the perks of the former but in a cheaper budget.

So yeah, choose accordingly.

2 thoughts on “Best Grammarly Alternatives – Cheap Writing Tools For Any Writers (2023 update)”

  1. This is such an insightful content. There is no doubt about grammarly been a great tool, i tried ginger for some time but i wasn’t too satisfied with it. But there are times one need to try the competence of other tools maybe because of budget or when one is just starting out ..

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