Interview With Suresh Babu

Interview With Suresh Babu From Web Marketing Academy

Today, I am glad to include another interview session to our expert’s interview series. Quite a different personality from our earlier guests whom we interviewed recently. He is not a professional blogger indeed a tycoon in the digital marketing industry. He is none other than Suresh Babu from Web Marketing Academy. Suresh is the backbone behind WMA in training and bringing more digital marketing experts. Let’s have an exciting interview with Suresh Babu.

Interview with Suresh Babu from Web Marketing Academy

In this section, he is sharing his journey that how he enters into digital marketing arsenal, his passion, WMA’s goal, and furthermore interesting facts. Hope this page would be more helpful for students or anyone who is passionate about online marketing.

Recently we had interviews with Lorraine Reguly who is a professional writer and editor sharing her expertise and ideas for great writing ability. Suresh’s interview would be another flavor to my readers especially those who are seeking for digital marketing training courses.

Without further delay, let’s get started.


#1. You don’t need an introduction; still, we would be gladder to hear few words from you about yourself.

Founder & CEO of Web Marketing Academy, Alumnus of IIMB & IIMC.B School Visiting Faculty. Started my career as a Chef and changed my career to Digital Marketing. The passion and love for Digital Marketing made me move from Chef to Digital.

#2. How did you get into digital marketing and how did you educate yourself about digital marketing at the start?

In 1999, one of cousin introduced Yahoo Chat to me. At that time I don’t even know how to switch on a computer. She took me to an internet café and introduced Yahoo chat. I thought that was one of the coolest things ever, being in the kitchen all the time. It was terrific, that time decided to learn if I get an opportunity.

I was in Florida in 2000 and met a person, who gave me a chance to learn SEO, SEM, Blogging, etc. I was like an intern there from 5-8 PM, and that’s where I learned Digital marketing, Adwords, Social media. Those days it was from Research papers etc. learned SEO.

#3. What is your success strategy as a speaker, trainer, as well as a consultant?

Well, when we love what we do, success follows. That’s my strategy, be it speaking, teaching, when we love what we do it’s easy.

#4. How do you rate Web Marketing Academy among other famous training institutes? What is unique about WMA?

Here at WMA, we don’t run it as a business. My vision is to evangelize digital marketing in India, and one part of that is WMA and we WMA want to the IIM’s of Digital Marketing.

#5. What is your opinion about blogging?

Blogging is a fantastic thing to do. It’s don’t have to be formal, it’s another venue where we are sharing our opinions where everyone can interact agree, disagree and share what we know.

#6. How do you encourage youngsters into blogging as their full time? Do you recommend so?

Yes, if they have great stories and have enough content (unique/niche) sure. But to get paid for blogging will take time and effort, just like anything else.

#7. How could you predict the scope of digital marketing in upcoming years? What kind of upgradations will it undergo?

AI, machine learning and voice search with Assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa will be part of our day to day life. All these assistants are convenience. A little bit of knowledge in coding, development will help co-op up with these technologies.

#8. What is your achievable target or goal in the near future as far as WMA is concerned?

As mentioned, you won’t believe that there is no target or goal, as long as we are happy sharing our knowledge. If anyone thinks about WMA, they should say that WMA is like the IIM’s for Digital & social media marketing.

#9. What is the contribution of SEO in the reach that WMA has?

SEO is one of core channel for WMA. I have been doing SEO since 2010, and it has changed now. Adapting to new changes, learning new updates are always fun and challenging. And we love challenges.

#10. Who are all your favorite digital players those you still keep following?

  • Gary Vee
  • Danny Sullivan
  • Moz – Rand Fishkin
  • Matt Cutts
  • Will Reynolds
  • Avinash Kaushik

#11. What would you say as great achievement and failure in your online or training journey?

Moving from Chef to Digital Marketing and when our students or staffs achieve a success that is my achievement. Failure every day I fail and learn from those failures.

#12. Could you realize the drastic growth of online in the market? Did you have any guess about it when you were entering into digital marketing?

Of course, we know that we are not going to stay in line for movies, the way we buy, communicate has changed – thanks to Internet, Apps, Social Media. I was always bullish that it is going to become better and better. Even now it’s going to be better.

#13. Do you have any common advice to the digital marketing training institutions across the globe?

Not to take training as a business. Run it with passion

#14. Please tell us about your working strategy and time management.

I have to be honest; I am pretty bad at time management, learning to get better at it.

#15. Finally, share your views about Traffic Crow and what is your best tip to improvise it still further?

You have built that one for a long time, just keep doing what you are doing.


Big thanks to Suresh for attending to our interview sharing his expertise and thoughts. I will have to appreciate him for his attitude that WMA does not treat training as a business, it’s about a passion. We wish you to have all success and Web Marketing Academy to reach more heights. I expect Traffic Crow readers feel free to raise their queries or clarifications if any in the comments box below.

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