How to Become the Authority In Your Niche Even If You Are A Newbie

How To Become The Authority In Your Niche Even If You Are A Newbie

Becoming an authority in your industry is the surefire way to get more subscribers, traffic and sales.

People don’t buy from strangers. It’s especially true when it comes to online.

If you have an option of buying hosting to run your sites, would you rather buy it from an expert blogger or a newbie?

Definitely from the trusted person like an expert blogger whom you have been following for a while, right?

That’s why you need to become an expert in whatever the topics you cover on your blogs. That’s how you build credibility online. And that’s how you are going to make more money online.

If you are wondering how to become the authority in your niche even if you are a new blogger, this detailed post is for you where you are going to discover all the strategies and tips that I’ve been secretly studying from other experts in hundreds of niches.

Are you curious about finding them? Let’s jump into the details then.

5 smart strategies to become an expert in your industry

#Build and grow your personal brand

Have a look at the following people once.

Neil Patel from

How To Become The Authority In Your Niche Even If You Are A Newbie

Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income

How To Become The Authority In Your Niche Even If You Are A Newbie

What have you observed?

Did you notice that all of them are using their images instead of using some random logos on their home page?

Do you know why are they doing that?

It’s all about increasing their personal brand. If the visitors who land on your blog for the first time see a huge picture of you smiling, it will instantly creates a strong rapport with them.

It will help you quickly build credibility, trust and relationship with your audience. Moreover it helps you quickly grow your online presence.

Did you ever wonder why you buy from Amazon, Apple or other famous brands?

Because they are all brands. They have build a great brand for themselves for the past few years and that’s how they are leveraging their brand image to capture their customer attention to grow their sales.

If you are thinking to become an expert in your industry, you MUST focus on improving your personal brand. And that’s the reason why I put this in the #1 list here. Now, let’s talk about the next strategy.

#Use content marketing to build loyal readers

Blogging is the surest way to get quality backlinks from other blogs.

How can I say that? Well, I know it because I’ve built thousands of quality links from top sites over the last 6 years.

Blogging gives you access to create top quality content. The ONLY way to make your site profitable is to attract a TON of backlinks.

The best way to attract natural backlinks is through content marketing.

What is content marketing anyway?

It is the ability to turn random website visitors into loyal customers with your content. Brian Clark was able to built a multi-million dollar blog “Copyblogger” only through content marketing.

We all know how profitable that site is now. It not only has hundreds of thousands of monthly readers but it also has thousands of loyal customers who are ready to buy no matter what they sell. Brian Clark made this all happen by only using the strategy called “content marketing” since 2006.

That being said, here are few strategies to become an authority blogger in your field by using content marketing.

  • Don’t create ordinary content. Your content has to be epic. It should add value to others. It should inspire others to take action.
  • Know your audience before you know anything. Know their wants and needs. Only then you will be able to build a blog that’s actually useful for them.
  • Research all the top blogs in your niche. Analyze how they are creating content that sells. Figure out if you can take away few things from those blogs. That’s how you learn things.
  • There’s no use of creating more content when no one is reading it. Find creative ways to get more exposure to your content. Spend more time in connecting with other bloggers and think about various ways to market your content.
  • Always remember this quote by Brian Clark How To Become The Authority In Your Niche Even If You Are A Newbie

#Give your top priority to building an email list

Authority bloggers focus on ONE thing i.e growing their email list.

Even if they have a gazillion number of subscribers, they still try hard to get more email subscribers. Do you know why? Because 90% of their income comes from their mailing lists.

That’s the power of email marketing. You will get permission-based marketing when you turn random visitors into email subscribers.

If you want to become an expert blogger in your field, give priority to building and growing your email list.

Did you know that every 1 dollar you spend on email marketing can give you an ROI of over $40? Yes, that’s true. It has the most ROI rates when compared to anything else including social media, SEO or ads.

Find out where your target audience frequently hang out online and think about various ways to get them into your list. And offer free downloads so you can attract more people to sign up to your email lists.

After all, everyone wants FREE stuff, right? Freebies always attract more people and they often convert like crazy. By offering freebies like ebooks, podcasts, videos, plugins etc you can quickly grow your list.

#Give, give, give and give more

What’s the best way to get blog comments? It is first to start leaving comments on other blogs.

How to get more social shares? Start sharing others stuff first.

How to quickly make money online? Find a mentor, invest money and time. You will learn how to sell and make money online in the process then.

If you have a mindset of only taking, you will not go so far. Whereas if you have the winner’s mindset where you learn to offer help to others first, you will be successful.

If you remember that one thing, you will find it easy to connect with others and boost your relationships by offering help before seeking any help from them.

Most beginners email a lot of bloggers seeking help. I know there’s nothing wrong in that but why would someone offer help without knowing you much?

So what’s the best way to get help from other bloggers who are really busy?

It is to offer help first. How can you do that?

Firstly, make a list of all the bloggers whom you want to connect with. Then, carefully analyze their products, services and content. Find out how can you offer help with the skills you have. You can turn their posts into videos or Infographics or you can find their broken links or you can even offer your services for free.

All these things matter a lot in the long run. I highly recommend you to read “Give and Take” book by Adam Grant. Here’s a great quote from his book that sums this up perfectly.

How To Become The Authority In Your Niche Even If You Are A Newbie

So find ways to offer help before seeking help from others.

In other words, give first. Give more before you seek help. Giving inspires giving. That’s how you succeed online.

#Use influencer marketing smartly

You need to build connections with the other top bloggers and marketers in your niche. Without building a strong rapport with the authorities in your industry, it is almost impossible to become an expert by yourself.

Observe any top blogger in your industry, they are all helping each other. They are all helping each other by sharing others stuff, linking out to others and helping others to grow their sales.

If you want to become the authority in your niche, you need to replicate the same. You need to find ways to connect with the influencers in your field and think about what you can do to leverage their connections.

Did you know that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from influencers and top bloggers? That’s the reason why the majority of online products are dying to get testimonials from guys like Pat Flynn. They know, when Pat recommends a product, it can boost their sales really quickly.

Before getting started with influencer marketing, make sure to lay out a strategy.
  • First off, ask yourself why are you going to engage with the influencers in your industry? If you have compelling reasons for doing it, you will find it easy to engage with them.
  • Secondly, collaborate with them before you even seek help from them. Figure out ways to offer them help. Think win/win. If you offer value first, it becomes easier for you to get help from them in the long run.
  • Try to get testimonials or quotes from the top bloggers in your industry. Persuade them to say a few nice things about you, your products or services. You will definitely see more conversion rates just by doing this.
  • Use social media to your advantage. Share the influencers content in your list on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook often. Tag them. Comment on their stuff. Retweet them. Email them frequently to let them know that you value the content that they share.
  • Learn how to write emails. Don’t write lengthy emails as they often get ignored. Make your subject lines compelling. Read blogs like Copyblogger to master the art of writing.
Final thoughts about becoming the authority blogger in your industry

Becoming the top blogger in any field takes time, efforts and consistency.

You can’t become a successful blogger or marketer overnight. It takes years to become an expert in any field. So make sure you have a vision before wanting to become the go-to guy in your field.

Spend time analyzing the top blogs along with their content and products. Find out how they are selling their products. Figure out how they are capturing their audience attention. Learn how they are turning their website visitors into subscribers and then into repeated customers.

Learn how to sell and connect with the influencers in your field. Before you ask anyone for help, offer help first. Always focus on win/win approach. You will succeed in the long run.

So what do you think? Do you find this post helpful? If yes, please share it with someone so they can learn something from it. Also, let me know if you have any more tips and strategies to become an authority blogger in any field. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

This guest post was written by Anil Agarwal who is the founder of Bloggerspassion

Support: This post contains affiliate links through which I earn a small commission against qualifying purchase, at no cost to you.

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55 thoughts on “How To Become The Authority In Your Niche Even If You Are A Newbie”


    Wow, That’s a great post. As a newbie, this post gives me lots of inspiration.Keep sharing more tips and tricks 🙂

  2. Awesome man.. i appreciate the way you represent the email marketing section..its very interesting… hope you will add a article over how to start a successful content marketing

  3. Hey, Sathish!

    How are you doing today? Hope you’re doing well and enjoying blogging.

    Actually, the above is an awesome article. Today blogging unlike 2010 or earlier as everyone needs to build higher authority in the community and especially we need to put majority of people into the our list. The reason, we don’t what is Google plan in the future, but for now lots of animal to scare us.

    I love what you mentioned about self branding such Niel Patel and Pat Flynn. Those above two authorities built well self branding why many people knew them and trust what they said. I knew they made a decent money from the business.

    Thanks for sharing. It’s a nice article.

    1. That’s so true Kimsea.

      The tips that have worked earlier won’t work now. And those are working now won’t work a year from now.

      That’s the reason why it’s important to build and grow your personal brand. It never fades out.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

    2. Hi buddy, thanks so much for stopping by!

      Self branding is really crucial these days. Without that, you don’t generate more traffic or sales and to boost your branding online, focus on creating great content and getting in touch with the influencers in your field.

  4. Extraordinary thoughts rundown to advance is great and wonderful post about items advancement.

    Such a long blog entry however honestly it won’t exhaust me I adored it. You have given such an exact data, and I comprehended the idea. Be that as it may, will the vast majority of the bloggers and site proprietors acknowledge my item and will they advance my ad on their website page. Since I conveyed a considerable measure yet didn’t get a decent reaction on this.

    1. Hi Arman,

      Thanks for reading this detailed guest post from me.

      I hope you enjoyed it and took some notes so you can grow your overall traffic and become the best blogger in your field.

  5. Hey Sathish, I have recently started my blog. I came across your blog via this blog. I loved this post. It will help becoming an authority in the niche. I will work harder and will follow your blog continually.


  6. Hey Anil,

    Was just browsing through web and stumbled upon this beautifully crafted post. I’m glad I did it. You have explained the topic in the most simplified manner. Hope to read more such posts in the coming days.


  7. Great post bro. I agree with your point “Use influencer marketing smartly.” People should work hard at this point. Overall excellent and well-detailed post. I learned something new from this post. Thanks for writing in detail.

    1. Hi Rahul, glad to see you around here.

      Influencer marketing is something I believe in. If done right, it works for anyone it doesn’t matter what niche you are in.

      Just make sure to create a list of the top bloggers in your industry, try to find out ways to help them instead of asking for their help. Get in touch with them through emails regularly and you will be getting rewarding results sooner or later.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. hi Anil,

    it’s a great Job you doing here!
    thank you for this beautiful and educative information..
    i’ve been looking forward to reading such post. i’m glad i found it it!

  9. Am a newbie and struggling to find my place in the blogging world. The points u mentioned were real and i could easily relate to it.

  10. Hey Anil,

    That was an explicit take from your side.

    I, too, agree that branding does matter in online business as in offline mode. One should keep an eye on this by providing the best value to the followers/ readers.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the same.

    ~ Rahul

  11. Hi Anil,

    This is a very informative post.
    Building a email list takes a lot of effort and time, but it surely pays you off when you get a large number of email base.
    But for starters i think using the social media (facebook,twitter) is a good option to draw viewers to a new blog.

    Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Hi there,

      Yep, that’s so true. An email list is a MUST for everyone who wants to see some serious growth on their online businesses.

      But most of the bloggers are still not realising its importance and still focusing on increasing their traffic which is why most of them fail to build a loyal audience.

      Social media is definitely a better choice if you want to quickly get more visitors especially when you are new into blogging zone. Keep rocking and let me know what you think!

  12. I love the idea of using personal images; it makes one’s blog to be original and real.

    Reading a lot also has a direct impact on what you write; so it’s advisable that one reads a lot about his industry, connect with top bloggers and understand the future trend of his blogging niche.

    Nice article and quite insightful

    1. Oge,

      Though, we may use free stock images and link or mention the source. And this is fine for search engines. Still, using unique images can improve user engagement.
      Thanks for reading out this article.

  13. Such a nice post! I remember when first starting a blog. I would try to avoid having photos of me in the blog posts, because I am a bit shy. However, now I have at least one photo of me in each post so my readers connect with the blog and are able to recognise me 🙂

  14. I have a quick question. What do you do if your topic has a small niche? Should I just go with a related one, and make connections through that vein? That tip about email marketing really stood out! Thanks for sharing it!

  15. More like “How to fake being a guru”. I mean, cmon, two example guys, they are phoneys. Just watch Patel’s “Advanced” course and see if he says just ONE thing that is not same old rehashed nonsense he posts on THREE different blogs.

    Both Neil and Pat only discuss things that anyone with IQ over 80 will be way past after initial few months. They leech off of newbies. Anyone more experienced sees right through them.

  16. Email and social media marketing are main reasons behind any successful blog. High quality, unique content is another simple way to build natural backlinks. I agree with you.

    Your post is really informative and will be helpful for new bloggers.

    Have a good day !

    Cheers !

  17. Great article indeed. Building authority in your niche is most important as well as difficult for a blogger. But if you have planned well and worked hard, you’d be able to get natural backlinks from your niche blogs. And, you said it right that offering help first will help us in the long run. Thanks for the in-depth article. Enjoyed reading it,:)

  18. Wow! Such an inspiringly well written and useful content I have just found across the web 🙂 you are so awesome, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    Best wishes!
    Keep on sharing!

  19. Content marketing is the king. This is such a wonderful article and I have really benefitted a whole lot today. Thanks to the guest writer. I working hard to become an authority in my Niche

  20. This one is a good one for sure. It needs lots of effort and works to get that authority for our niche. More than that it greatly depends on the type of content you are dealing with.

  21. Hi Anil,

    What a great inspiring article on running an authority blog. The blogging ideas you mentioned are amazing. Certainly converting the normal visitors to email subscribers is important for blogging success and making money. Thanks for writing this interesting article. Keep up the good work.


    Reji Stephenson

  22. great tips shared by you admin. my husband is my mentor who guide me totally about blogging. if niche is become authority based then you can ranked in your niche. i also newbie following your post to become niche authority.

    many thanks.

  23. Thanks for the article. It covers some really good points. One of the fastest ways to gain credibility and become an authority is to get recommended by other influencers. This could be through guest posts or get mentioned by them via social media.

  24. Hie Anil,

    I tried blog post writing several time and i failed several time also. I have found if we want to write on any topic, first we need to research that topic thoroughly and after that start writing content in a simple, long but in a effective manner.

    Most important thing is we should add creative and visual (infographics) assets in a blog post.

    We need to Apply all possible SEO factors to that blog post. After completing and posting blog post, we have to share that post.


    Ketan J

  25. Hey Anil,

    You have covered an interesting post here. This is one of the most asked questions among bloggers. And I believe personal branding is the best possible and fastest way you can discriminate yourself from the crowd.

    Sometimes blogs names are hard to remember but a person names are always easy to remember. It’s like a brand (Apple) and their products (iphone, ipod, imac and more).

    Alok Rana

  26. Great case study. I love Neil’s work he is a hard worker and writes quality posts. Thanks for sharing, great resource.

  27. Focus on producing blogs that are great to the readers! One of the greatest advice here. With great blogs, you automatically attract readers to your site. Email list is one that I’m still working on. Thanks very much for sharing this post. Very helpful and well-presented.

  28. Hello buddy,

    Nice blog post, I was thinking that there are very less blog posts available on the internet for How to Increase Domain Authority in less.

    I am suggesting you create a depth post about this topic.


    1. Sure, we’ll come up with detailed article about increasing domain authority.
      Be consistent in producing valuable content and building authoritative backlinks. Soon, you will see gradual improvement in your domain authority. Anyways, thanks for marking your valuable comments.

  29. Hey there, I Am a newbie and struggling to find my place in the blogging world. The points u mentioned were real and i could easily relate to it.Thank you very much for your post.

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