Best Ever New Year Resolutions of 71 Expert Bloggers

Best Ever New Year Resolutions of 71 Expert Bloggers

n our last roundup post, we had great views on Time Management. It revealed most useful management tips. Hope you all gained broad knowledge and implemented some of those tips. Now it’s time to have a view on Best ever new year resolutions of 71 expert bloggers!!

Now I updated the new year resolution roundup post. Have a view on it. I assure this post will be very useful. Some bloggers’ resolution are fascinating. This post involves the great resolutions of both Indian and Foreign bloggers.

Question: “Ready to rock 2017? Share your new year resolution of blogging!!”

[su_box title=”01. Zac Johnson – Zacjohnson.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

In 2017, I’m going to focus more efforts on automated and recurring income sources. This will include the creation of a couple of new websites, online production courses and evening venturing into new areas like physical products.

No matter what industry I may find myself in, the business model and monetization structure will still focus on the same models that allowed me to find success over the past 20 years — which is to cater to a niche audience and provide value. If you’d like to learn more about this process, you can see it all broken down here.

Connections: Website | Facebook | Google+ย | Twitter | LinkedIn

[/su_box][su_box title=”02. RB Biddulph – Blogging From Paradise” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions but would suggest every blogger follow this advice, which is my resolution forever: be at the moment.

Don’t do stuff based on a calendar. Don’t do stuff based on numbers. Don’t wait to do stuff because of numbers on a timetable. This is not natural. Not in harmony with the Universe. Have you ever seen a bear check its schedule before it hibernates, LOL? Have you seen birds check their planners before they migrate? ๐Ÿ˜‰ They listen to their inner guide/God, and we should do the same to tap into smidges of our unlimited potential.

Bloggers, be at the moment. Vow Now – not on January 1st – to follow your fun. Blog your fun. Blog your passion. Now. Vow to do all you do with love. Create with love. Make friends with love. Don’t give much thought to stats or money or outcomes. Each takes care of itself when you are being and blogging at the moment.

Set a New Moment Resolution for every moment of every day you’re living.

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box][su_box title=”03. Erik Emanuelli – No Passive Income ” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Create new sources of income from my online activities. I think it’s good to diversify and among my projects for 2017, there are producing and selling an online course and building an e-commerce.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box][su_box title=”04. Erika Mohssen-Beyk – Erikamohssen.Com ” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I have to say that I never made special New Years Resolutions.

In fact, I heard about this word Newly in America. Looking at statistics, I saw most of the resolutions fail because it needs the will to change habits and paradigms, which needs more time and Commitments. Most people fall back to old habits with the excuse to try again next new year.

In ancient times people made resolution looking back to the year and see where they can do better and prayed for the help of the divine. I make my resolutions whenever it is needed. Setting intention for improvement and working toward it is good anytime.

For blogging, I am still learning new skills and want to improve my writing to be able to help maybe others to see that everything is possible, look beyond circumstances, make resolutions toward betterment and keep them. For practical decisions, one has to feel the pull for growth and improvement and take action toward it no matter what time of the year. Otherwise, New Years Resolution is only a phrase. Have to Shine. ๐Ÿ™‚

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box]

[su_box title=”05. Hussain Omar – Cost Effective SEO” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

For me, 2016 was a great year, I have known awesome blogging friends, participated in many roundup posts, and achieved some rankings with my blog. Yet, there are some things that could be done. So, my resolutions to up my game in 2017 are:

1. To publish more content on my blog

The rhythm of the publishing content, was a little bit slow, I need to push more pieces, already got the ideas and done some keyword research, and ready to start writing.

2. Dedicate more effort for networking

Networking with peers in the niche makes things easier, and opens a lot of opportunities in front of you.

3. To Continue my outreaching work

Outreaching did great for me in 2016, got great results with it, I will continue on that way. Its results really worth the effort.

Connections: Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook[/su_box][su_box title=”06. Donna Merrill – DonnaMerrillTribe.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I am ready to rock 2017!

In fact, I’m erasing the board on my business in January. So that’s my blogging resolution. I’m going to my blackboard and writing down everything I’m doing now.

Things like:-write a blog post with excellent content-market the content and list the few dozen ways I do that-write a daily email to my followers-create a new digital info product-update my lead magnets-Establish new platform pages-run my blog coaching program-Etc. Etc etc

These are just a few things I do in executing my blogging business.

I’ll write them all down on my blackboard, think about what works and what doesn’t get me the results I’m looking for. After some deep contemplation on everything I’m doing nowโ€ฆ I’ll erase the board. Just forget about it.

Don’t hold on to anything that’s not getting me the results I want because if I continue to do them, I’ll continue to work hard only to keep getting poor results.

Then I’ll create new strategies and tactics, and essentially, just restart my business. This will be a challenge, but be helpful to make my business leaner and more productive.

In fact, I’ve invited all readers of my blog to join me in this “Challenge” during the month of January 2017. I see it like rebooting my computer or resetting my TV cable box.

I know what I want to accomplish in 2017โ€ฆ this will give me fresh eyes on my business, and give me new ideas and refreshed strategies.

So it’s my New Years Blogging Resolution. I’m calling it “Restart My Business.”

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box][su_box title=”07. Lorraine Reguly – Wordingwell.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Publish e-books. I’m currently working on one book, unrelated to blogging, but have plans to publish a series of e-books… two sets’ actually… one about blogging and one about my life.

I want to do this in 2017 and 2018. Let’s see how long it takes me! LOL ๐Ÿ˜‰

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box][su_box title=”08. Janice Wald – Mostly Blogging” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

In the new year, I have several goals for my blog. I plan on blogging more about SEO and the value of long-tail keywords. Also, I plan to have more expert interviews.

I would also like more mega posts. I would like to promote at Kingged more than I do. I need to find more time-saving techniques as well.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box]

[su_box title=”09. Lilach Bullock – Lilachbullock.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I think that 2017 is going to be the year where we need to bring out the big guns, as bloggers, in order to stand out, not only in terms of our audiences’ attention, but also for SEO purposes. In the coming year, my biggest resolution is to diversify my content offering as much as possible – both in terms of content and in terms of presentation.

Not only is it good for attracting a broader audience, but search engines are also getting better at indexing other types of content than just text only blog posts.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”10. Ikechi Awazie –” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

My resolution for Blogging in 2017 is to do two things:

1. To provide more quality content to my readers

2. To make every post in 2017 to be a thought provoking moment

I will be having interviews, round up posts, Infographs and I will also introduce podcast in my blog in 2017. Each of the posts will be always be an aha moment for anyone that comes to my blog.

Furthermore, I will be sharing more inspirational stories that will make a difference in my readers.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”11. Theodore Nwangene – Top Blogging Coach” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

We always like to bring new resolution on every year, and while it’s a good thing to do, we often forgot to make decisions we can fully achieve.

Making a new year resolution is not the main thing, what matters most is to ensure you make them.

On this year, my new year resolution, I want to spend more time on my Occupation by eliminating distraction. I have to analysis more marketing strategies, focus on list building. At the end of the year, I have to publish at least Six books on Online Bookstore and should build the two authority sites. Of cause, you won’t be doing all these alone; I have very talented persons as my team members

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”12. Moosa Hemani –” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Hope you are doing well. As far as the blogging resolutions for 2017 are a concern, here are few of them:

1. Focus on mix media content. So, 99% of the blog post on today are text based. But, in 2017, I am planning to work different contents like tools, infographics, video interviews, webinar and more.

2. Focus on 10X content. In 2017, one of the primary goals is to create one 10X content on’s website successfully.

3. Continue writing for other business and marketing blogs on a regular basis.

These are the top three goals for the coming year at my end.

I would love to see what others are planning for 2017 regarding blogging.

Connections: Website

[/su_box] [su_box title=”13. Kelli Cooper – Live Life Made To Order ” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

There is nothing, in particular, I want to do differently with my blogging. I am always a defender of being as authentic as possible on your blog, knowing this will allow you to connect more meaningfully with those who resonate with your voice and your perspectives. We can’t be portable to everyone so we shouldn’t even try. Do your thing the way you want to do it, and your people will find you. I guess my resolution is to stay as true to this value as possible.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”14. Chris Lee – A Blog On Blogging” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

In 2017 I would like to continue building on the great work of 2016. It’s been a good year so far but there’s a lot more to go.

I am also looking to get more into email marketing and finally publish the follow-up to my first book, How To Win At Pinterest Marketing.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”15. Anh Nguyen – Blogging Thing” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

For 2017, I’m looking forward to expanding my reach and increase my SEO presence, via both organic search and PPC.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”16. Jacob Cass –” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

My new year resolution of blogging is to redesign my website from scratch. The current design has not changed since 2012, and although it has held up well over the years, it is need of an update.

Thankfully Iโ€™ve got an additional month break from traveling to focus on the design!

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”17. Ted Rubin –” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

What I see being huge heading into 2017 is live streaming, and the ability to share all video, AND “all content,” more customs, through many apps, with story-telling and engagement at the core. You need to try these platforms, and I plan to use them much more than in the past. I will be telling stories, creating narratives, building relationships, communicating with consumers, and create learning for myself and organizations I represent.

This way is more than the other content fashion, while rather it’s online video junction a vital entrance… Do you want to know why I reason that it’s going to be massive? It’s just Not because I’m getting a benefit of it or Millennials and GenZ are availing it…only since it fabricates video social. Since theyโ€™re not just runnel in occurrence be alive. Theyโ€™re permitting you to take part with those streams. You are now able to be a part of the conversation. #RonR… #NoLetUp!

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”18. Brian – Small Business Ideas Blog” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

My New Year Resolution for blogging is to stay consistent with it. Simply staying consistent is one of the most important things you can do as a blogger, even if you only blog once a month.

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”19. Tor Refsland – Time Management Chef” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

โ€œI donยดt believe in New Year resolutions.


Because they seldom stick. How many times have you had a friend trying to give up smokingโ€ฆโ€ฆ

or lose weightโ€ฆโ€ฆjust because it was a New Year resolution?

What I do believe in is yearly goals.

In 2016 I was able to increase my revenue with 20x thanks to focusing on business coaching. In 2017 my goal is to earn $500 000 through my businesses.โ€

Connections: Website |ย Twitter

[/su_box] [su_box title=”20. Wade McMaster – Well Build Your Blog” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

My news years resolution for blogging is to spend more time updating my old and favorite blog posts. They tend to age and I think can be brought up to date to serve people better when they’re found.

Connections: Website

[/su_box] [su_box title=”21. Rafi Chowdhury –” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Yes! My plan is to totally dominate the organic skincare niche with our new blog, Organic Allure! ๐Ÿ˜€

Connections: Website | Facebook | LinkedIn| Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”22. Rebecca Matias –” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Here’s my four New Year Resolution for Blogging this 2017:

– Set blogging metrics that are realistic and relevant to your goals.- Never compromise quality just to meet quantitative objectives.- Don’t bore your readers. Tell a story.- Make it shareable, useful and substantial.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”23. Kulwant Nagi – Blogging Cage” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I am pumped up for building my email list in 2017. I have written two excellent books which I am going to use to make my list. Recently I switched from Aweber to ConvertKit which changed the list building game completely. Automation features in ConvertKit are so impressive that you can filter people very comfortable and build laser targeted list very quickly. I have written a long article on why you must frame an email list in 2017.

Connections: Website |ย Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”24. Nirmala – My Magic Fundas” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

1. Perform 5-6 Hours Blogging without any distraction. Specifically, I wish to avoid working at odd hours (after dinner) and prefer to be an early bird.2. Build high-quality backlinks for my new blogs to get rank better search engine rankings.3. Help the young bloggers by giving some executable suggestions.

Connections: MyMagicFundas | WPGlossy |[/su_box] [su_box title=”25. Santhosh Veer – All Web Tuts” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I Plan to Increase My Sleeping times:-P all are we know about How sleeping is Important for Bloggers, I have lot of Resolution for 2017Here some Resolution for 2017 for Blogging already I mention one resolution– Daily Post Updates- Email Marketing- Build a Blogging Network- Plan to Learn Advance Programming Languages

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”26. Ankit Singla – BloggerTipsTricks” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Recently I started a WordPress niche blog and my Blogging resolution of 2017 are to make this blog authoritative.

As we know; Success is a Learnable Skill.

2016 brought HUGE success for me, and as I have learned the Laws of Success, I will replicate my blogging blueprint for WPTricks to scale my business.

In the end, I would like to say:

We are left with last few days of the year. Before planning new things, try to complete your unfinished works, review your 2016, note down what worked and what didn’t work for you and set your goals for 2017. Fresh chances are waiting for you.

Best wishes for new year. ๐Ÿ™‚

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”27. Anil Agarwal – Bloggers Passion” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I have been able to achieve whatever I had planned around the same time last year to some extent like taking my blog earnings to $5000 (one in a while) and starting a niche site. Here are my resolutions for 2017:

Start earning 5k plus every month from my blogging efforts.

Improving my blog overall traffic by 50% by December 2017. I have been able to grow my blog traffic by 40% from what I was getting around the same time last year.

Start generating sales from my only niche site. I have been working on it for some time now.

I have been able to earn $2500 plus revenue this Black Friday season. Iโ€™m planning to make it even longer next time by learning I had from this Black Friday & Cyber Monday.

Will start working more aggressively towards email list building in New Year.

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”28. Swadhin Agrawal – DigitalGYD” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I am all set for rocking the 2017 blogging scenario. 2016 was a remarkable year regarding finance and business growth for me. I did achieve what I set for myself and in fact learned a few new things.

I also learned that apart from blogging dedication you need to be wise when you are working online. So, this year I am expanding my blogging portfolio, and in addition to having niche blogs, I am launching a couple of new blogs. One of which is WPChime – a WordPress Tutorial Site geared towards novice WordPress bloggers.

The site will be live hopefully in the first week of next year and my new year resolution will be to grow and take to new heights.

Connections: DigitalGYD | WPChime | BestWpThemesClub | Twitter

[/su_box] [su_box title=”29. Atish Ranjan – Tech Tricks World” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Of course! At the end of every year, I plan to rock the next year with some new projects and plannings.

My new year resolution for blogging is only to offer informative content to my readers and focus more on search traffic because in 2015 I focused a lot on search traffic by doing more of keyword research, improving content quality and a little bit of link building. These do help me a lot, and I was able to increase my blog’s traffic to 400%. Therefore, my new year resolution is to focus more on this stuff, to increase the traffic to 1000% :-).

Apart from these, I am planning to work more on Amazon niche as well.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”30. Jyoti Chauhan – Update Land” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I noticed I have become less productive, so I am planning to utilize my time well on important things in 2017. For this, I will buy TimeDoctor; I have used this software for one month, and I found it quite interesting as it helps to track every second.

Utilizing my time well and becoming more producing is my primary goal for 2017.

Will focus more on branding J and grow my team.

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”31. Gurunath Nakka – Best of Guru” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Every New Year is a New Start too many things for me. Although you should wait things to start only on New Year, I made it clear myself that I should focus on few things from Day 1 of 2017. My main resolution for this 2017 year should be on starting new “micro niche” blogs.

To do that I have to be more focused on a daily basis in searching Keywords, filter them, check all metrics and then go for a trial and error. Hope I get success in this year with this NEW Experiment in this NEW Year.

Connections: Website |ย Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”32. Nisha Pandey – SEO Techy World” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Yes, I would surely rock in 2017. I have planned lot of things for 2017. I am packed with new goals and new energy. Few new blogging projects to start. Will boost the traffic of my old blogs more and more. It is as much about venturing out into new projects as about strengthening the presence of my real blogs.

And most importantly, will help newbie bloggers to reach their goals. I have learned a lot through the years, and I feel itโ€™s my duty to share the keys to success with the newbies.

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”33. Abhishek Jain – Rusty Blogger” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Yes Excited for 2017

My New Year Resolution:

I do not think of going far or so but always think of accomplishing my current goals and aspirations on time.

2016 have been impressive for me and my blogging career. Made so much that will be carried throughout my life. I eventually turned into a domain name investor and yes a money making a blogger.

I never talk about millions and billions. I just want in my new year resolution to create a positive difference in lives of maximum people through my knowledge in the field of blogging and domain name industry.

Our new venture Reappoint Internet headed by Manmeet Pal Singh Mahal, Founder of DomainX and BlogX is already helping people to grow in domain name industry. That’s it. We just want help maximum fellas who are not getting right direction in the domain name and blogging industry.

Hope these small dreams come true before the end of this 2017.

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”34. Manidipa Bhaumik – WP Blogging 360″ box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Every year we plan to do something better than the last year. However, I donโ€™t believe in resolutions, but yes, in determination. In 2017, I have lots of expectations from myself.

2016 helped me to take my passion as my career option. In coming months I plan to invest in self-learning and manage my works more efficiently. Which essentially means performing multiple blogging tasks with more update frequency.

Also last few months I could not have a healthy routine and am missing that joy of life. So, from the starting of the New Year, I will build a strict workout regime. After all, productivity will increase only when we are fit and healthy ๐Ÿ™‚

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”35. Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ – Pvariel.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

My answer to this question may sometimes create some confusion, or some may raise eyebrows! The reason is, many may not agree with my opinion.

I do not give much importance to a particular day or month or year. I do not celebrate New Year as others do! I keep away from the celebrations! For that matter, I do not even celebrate Christmas or even my

Birthday!” LOL

This may be a bit surprise to you as well as many here!

Coming to the part of Resolutions: earlier (a few years back) I used to take some resolutions with a lot of enthusiasm, but sad to say on the way, say, even after one or two weeks I stumble upon and it totally ends there!

Since then, I thought, there is no meaning in making resolutions to break.

Yes, as it is said: “Resolutions are made to break” and it is very true in my life too! So I stopped taking any decisions in my life.

That does not mean that I do not have an aim or purpose in my life. There are a lot on the list! Regarding blogging, as it is now part and parcel of my daily life and looking back to 2016 it was an eventful year in my blogging career, and I look forward more such events in the coming year too. As I have started few new pages this month, I will be fully concentrating on these pages in the year 2017. This is my New Year challenge, Philip Verghese ‘Arielโ€™ is the best freelance writer, roundup Expert, Internet Marketer , blogger, translator and a social campaigner. He consists different sites in English as well as in Malayalam.

Connections: Website | LinkedIn|Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”36. Saurabh Tiwari – AllDigiTrends ” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

In 2017 My objective is to concentrate more on appending value in my posts and content at the same time have to involve more with my readers, My objective is to publish 1 post per week. I have hope that I will succeed, I am sure life will get in the way, I know I can do it. Have to Believe yourself.

Connections: Website |ย Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”37. Mi Muba – Beamoneyblogger” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

In 2017 I will:1) Build my email list as huge as possible.2) Try to publish at least two guest posts in a week on other blogs3) Create an attractive incentive to offer to my email list subscribers.4) Equally, focus affiliate marketing on trying it on my blog.5) Take up influencer marketing more seriously

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”38. Deepak Kanakaraju – Digital Deepak” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Publish three posts a week and grow my email list to 1 lakh.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”39. Nikhil Saini – My Quick Idea” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Well, I don’t think the new year can bring any significant change in life. The 1 January won’t be different from any other day. We can make a decision at any instance of life. I will start working out daily there is no particular aspect. However, I am concerned about creating more valuable content on My quick idea. Starting new niches sites, testing more, and making $$$$. It has been 1.5 years to me into blogging. I am implementing whatever I learned throughout this duration. Yeah. One more thing- I will start exercising daily. ๐Ÿ˜›

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”40. Pritam Datta – Blog Mean” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

1) Fix a limited time for blogging & fix the time for my personal work.2) Take Blogging more seriously & increase growth of blogging career.3) Invest in some social media to increase the reach of my blog post.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”41. Adeel Sami – Adeelsami.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

1- Get in shape.2- Earn my first $ from the blogging.3- Develop myself around one skill.4- Make a visit to northern areas in my country.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”42. Evan Derek – Vebblabbs” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

1. Increasing the gross /month revenue without increasing the “quantity” of on-going projects. Scaling them up basically by April 2017.2. Working harder on the long-term, brand-building projects and establishing them better by June 2017.3. Some other resolutions which will be sharing after smashing the shit out of them hopefully ๐Ÿ™‚

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”43. Ali Raza – Aliraza.Co” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

My New Year Resolution will be not to make the same mistakes I did last year.

I will be more consistent this year. I believe, to succeed anything consistency plays an important role, my blog was nothing but what I knew was that you need to keep on consistent even if your audience is small and that’s what made my 2016 successful.ย So I planned to continue this work.

With 2016, I had the vision to brand myself and build some regular audience, now I have built that, so with 2017, I will be expecting to monetize it. So I will be working on creating some courses for my audience.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”44. Krishna Moorthy D – Blog Beatz” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Completely into Amazon niche blogging and local SEO targeted niche blogs. Will be working 8 hours a day productively to get this done. As usual, no spamming, just pure patience and smart work Smoothed

Connections: Website |ย Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”45. Ravinder Dande –” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

We all knows that this year is going to end soon and with each passing day some of us start planning what we should do or wanna achieve by the end of a year. So is what I did without waiting for 31st December of 2016.

This year I saw up and down like always, learned and failed at many things, but one thing that I didn’t think of is Giving up. Although I talked about my failure with many to let me go of what didn’t work or went well. For me talking about failure and figuring out why I was failed is very important to move so that I can avoid repeating the same mistake.

After all, Mistake means ” You are trying .” We should keep trying. We should get up every time we fall. We cannot reach our goal if we don’t get up again for a fresh start.

I am managing more than five blogs, and I always have the plan to manage all blogs. So I made the plan for first half of the year. Whatever I am going to change, improve and learn is listed below.

Improve Writing: I have been writing from last two year and has improved a lot at writing if I look back when I was not able to write even 100 words and now I write more than 1500 words. But I still feel that I need to improve my writing. So Improving writing is on my list of new year resolution as I will have to write my whole life, so It’s a must.

Stable Income Source: I saw worst financial situation this year that forced me to review what I have been doing. So I started working on income too because we as the blogger need money to keep running our blog if we run out of money that means run out of blogging.

Blogging Event: Conference always fresh your concept about business so attending every event can help you growing your network of like-minded people. I started attended events last month and met with individuals who are into blogging. I will be attending more event wherever possible.

Email List: Since starting off blogging, It were only thing I didn’t care of and regretted because I lost many subscribers due to not having unique templates. Now I am getting customer every day and have good Email list who are interested in hearing whatever I have to say or share. So I will be working on getting more customers.

Web Hosting: I can see growing traffic on my blog, and now I felt like I will need VPS & dedicated hosting for managing my blog without compromising with page load speed. Hosting is what I will be changing in 2017.

So these are my plans for first half of the Year.

Connections: Website | Facebookย | Twitter

[/su_box] [su_box title=”46. Himanshu Gupta – All Tech Expert” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I recently started a blog. It’s almost six months old.

My New Resolution would be:1.Getting more content to my readers2.Capture more Emails3.Focus on Outreach4.Working on my niche site

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”47. Robin Khokhar – Tricky Enough” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I have many plans in 2017 and going to start a new project for sure but will be continuing my blogging with my old Blog also. And possibly I will be trying to post three new posts per week from one post a week (Planning to change some writing habits).

There are many more plans, but the above two mentioned will be on the High Priority.And I am also happy to be a part of this roundup post.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”48. Radhika Mundra – Expressing Life” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I have recently made a significant investment on my blog, and I’m in the process of revamping it. In 2017, my goal is to justify the investment by earning at least three-fold every month without compromising the quality of the content I provide to my readers.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”49. S M Karamath – Synce Tech” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

First thanks for Including me In this roundup post.I would like to convey Advance happy new year to Traffic Crow visitors. Now coming to the point the goal’s of 2017 I am going to start with multiple new niche sites as well as thinking of to do Vlogging In the meanwhile (If time permits).I have Fixed some target to reach hope will do it.

I’ll sure write a detailed article In the form of case study.

Connections: Website | Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”50. Riyaz Alam – Set My Destiny” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Though I did not have any resolution for 2016, in my blogging career, this year has been a great year for me. Got so many connections through various events and workshop.

This year,2017, I pledge to take my career to the next level. I will work toward the online community and will try to add more value in the online society by sharing what I have learned in last five years of my career in digital marketing.

At the end of this coming new year, I want to be self-employed Digital Marketer. And, I guess I will fulfill this, and for sure this will be my new year resolution too.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”51. Umar Farooq – Easy As Fart” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

About my New-Year Resolution, I’m aiming to hit new topics that people haven’t even heard about.

I teach YouTube on in English for International Audience, and for the local audience, I teach it in Urdu/Hindi on my Urdu Tube channel on YouTube.

Aim is also to improve the quality of the content I’m putting on both Urdu Tube andย My Site

Currently, I have over 750 Subscribers on YouTube, and I am aiming for 50,000+ by the end of 2017! ๐Ÿ™‚

And yeah, I’m sure it’s going to be accomplished, easily!

So yeah, this is all I am aiming for as far as my Blogging and Online Teaching career goes.

And I’m also excited to read other participant’s plans, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

Connections: Website |ย Facebook

[/su_box] [su_box title=”52. Deepak Kumar – ItBuzzWeb” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Hello Everyone I hope you all are well, yes I am waiting for new year 2017, In this year I am planned many things but didn’t achieve all the things, so we needed ready for 2017 and started with passions to achieve my goal I hope you all are also waiting for new year, 2016 is also best for me in blogging career, So My intention is to grab blogging knowledge daily about new things in 2017, so I will try to learn something new again.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”53. Sunil Singh – Blogginganart” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Every new year calls for a new challenge not just with blogging but other stuff too. I’ve been into digital marketing for about a decade and my new year resolution is to educate as many people as possible in the blogosphere so that everyone could grow together.

Connections: Website |ย Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”54. Jagdish Kashyap – 50 Shades Of Blogging” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I’m ready to rock and roll!Well, I’ve set a resolution of earning 1k/day and starting a company (fingers crossed) with some passionate bloggers.

I’m also thinking about taking a startup which we planned in 2014 but never make it due to financial and other problems.

Connections: Websiteย | Facebookย | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”55. Dilip Sharma – Blog Matric” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Yeah, I’m ready to rock the 2k17 !!

Some of the things which I am gonna make happen are:

  • Weekly Article on my blogs.
  • Make a strong team
  • Increase my earning 10x.
  • Organize a Meetup or an event for bloggers.
  • Maintain my Evenness.
  • Connect with like minded people.
  • Increase Traffic of my blogs upto 10X.

That’s all for now, will make a change according to time and situation.

Connections: Website |ย Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”56. Sanu Siddharth – Onlyloudest” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Yes! Of Course. This New year 2017 is coming with lots of opportunities for me.

And hope So I will attend mostly all Blogging Summit in India to expand my network as well as online & offline. And Next good news for my blog readers I will share my all experiences of Blogging and Affiliate Marketing on my blog on a regular basis.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”57. Gaurav Kumar – EAskMe” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Soon, New year is going to knock the door. As a blogger, I am ready with my plans what should I do in 2017.

I am ready with my new year resolution for 2017.

I want my readers to feel the value of my hard work and that is why I will offer them more than what they have expected. Not just the information but the every single detail about the topic so when a reader jumps into the article he will get the deepest knowledge at one place.

Adding value to the user’s experience is my top priority, and that is what make eAskme an established blog and me a good blogger.

Secondly, I will keep on growing my blogging network. Growth is necessary to stay in the competition and outrank others. Blogging is a process which is continuously changing and improving, so it is always better to have more and more blogger friends to understand and stand together always for each other easily.

I also believe that a bloggers life is not just about writing, it is more about reading, analyzing and filtering the valuable information first and then writing the most helpful information for readers. So I will spend more time on learning and filtering information which will help the users.

Making more money is a particular reason why every single blogger does blogging. So this year also I want to grow my earning and reach the dream of a million dollar blogger.

So there is so much to do, But I am ready and waiting for the new year.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”58. Mihir – 3nions” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Every one makes it know New Year Resolution it may be weirdest or the easy one.Many of you may make resolution like to achieve million of reads or get subscriber but my resolution is simply and achievable.

1) Improve quality of the content .2) provide solutions asap to my readers or subscriber3) Remarketing the Old content on my blog.Beside that, I will also provide services to my readers via illustrate.Make sure that they are delighted

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”59. Jason Quey – Co Founder Swith Class ” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

My goal is to create a men’s style blog that becomes a go-to resource to master the psychology of style.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”60. Ashutosh Jha – Tricks Road ” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

In 2016, I have scaled up my income and had to maintain the consistency for TricksRoad. Apart from that I have started one IT tutorial site and have hired few resources who are working to scale it up. My plan for that is to launch the courses. Should finish within the quarter part of the year

Connections: Website |ย Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”61. Vinay Katiyar – Vinaykatiyar.Com ” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I am pumped for 2017 as it’s going to be an excellent year for me. Conversations are going on for the dreamed big projects which I will be starting in 2017 with my partners.

As for new year resolutions, I am looking forward to doing the following things:

1. As you may know, I usually work on micro-niche websites, and they’re giving excellent returns. In 2017, I am looking to automate all the micro-niche site projects and hit the target of $$$$/day passive income so that I could move on to affiliate site.

2. The second thing I am planning is to start a long term blog where I will share the case studies of my micro-niche websites. Since none of my niche blogs are public, I will start this blog to help the rising bloggers get into the profitable business of micro-niche site building & flipping.

That’s all I’ve planned for 2017 right now and all set to achieve both the targets by the end of the next year.

Connections: Website | Twitter|ย Facebookย |[/su_box] [su_box title=”62. Vibhu – Web To Blog” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I am a 9-5 office going man, but I do not want to continue this. That’s why I am opting my very own online business. Working on it will make to live on 1st of Jan.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”63. Umesh Singh – Curious Blogger” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I have some big plan in 2017. This year I am going more focus on quality content rather than quantity. I will create a free course to teach newbie blogger to write engaging content that their audience loves to read and share.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”64. Muhammad Ahmad – Meetahmad.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I will focus on becoming a better writer this year. Not setting up a proper resolution as 2017 is going to be vital for my studies. I will be completing intermediate and then I have to choose a university to get a degree in hands.

Simply, I have to work on the dreams of parents this year ๐Ÿ™‚

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”65. Riju Debnath – Bloggers Campus” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

So, the new year is waiting to visit. I hope it will bring success for all.

I personally also set up my resolution of blogging for 2017. In this year I will transform myself from a part timer to a full-time blogger.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”66. Uttoran Sen – My UK Mail Box” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

This year, I have some solid blogging plans that I have drawn up by doing my self-research of what worked in 2016. For example, in this blog MyUKMailBox – I have seen product reviews, infographic and roundups have worked well. Will use my connection with bloggers and influencers to push roundups and infographics further.

Will make sure to do, either an infographic or a roundup every month along with some regular posts to keep the content going.

As far as link building and other marketing activities are concerned – will focus on natural and organic methods to grow high-quality links.

The start of a new year does give us that boost where we start planning for an entire year in advance. However from my very own knowledge, it is best to take things forward on a monthly basis – check what worked at the end of the month and do more of it in the coming months.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”67. Adarsh M – Odnevn” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I want to make my blog a better one. I don’t want to copy what others say on their blog. If you search for some tips to increase traffic, what you will see are, “do SEO, backlinks, guest post, comments….”. I saw many posts saying the same thing in the same way. But a few of them gave some different thing. So, what I want to change is, I want to share real methods. And don’t want to say the same thing like everyone and want to share some useful techniques that help.

Connections: Website | Twitter[/su_box] [su_box title=”68. Ravijit Chavda – Blogging Book” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Yeah. Ready to Rock 2017!

To be honest. First I decide an ultimate Goal. Means, I decide, What should I need to do for getting this result(Goal). Then I build a strategy to achieve this aim.

I strongly believe “Always Deliver More Than Needed” So, I work more than needed for the goal and I achieve it for sure!

My strategy includes

1) Content: Length, OnPage Optimization, Images, Internal links

2) Marketing: Social Networks, Outreach to get more share. Guest posting to get more share from owners social network (backlinks too)

3) SEO: Guest Posting, Forums, Social Profiles, Blogger Outreach, Commenting, Social Signals, Better title for getting higher CTR.

For me, 2017 will be very special for sure. I’m ready with my strategies for my all blogs and websites. I completed some great marketing books and blogs for rocking 2017.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”69. Ashwani Jain – Mirchi Blogger” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I am planning to have two resolution this year which is as follows -:

1. In my first resolution, I will try to help more and more to our blogger community in learning more things about blogging and digital marketing.

2. And second, I will try to focus more on my blogging career and blog for increasing my earning and reputation.

Connections: Website | Facebook[/su_box] [su_box title=”70. Mohd Arif – Tech Lazy” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

Here are my new year resolutions.

In 2016, I made one niche website especially for affiliate marketing purpose, and I achieved huge success. I am planning to build some more niche sites in 2017 to increase my income 5X.

And I am planning to hire some link builders and write to achieve this goal.

I promised myself to craft more content for Tech lady in 2017 As I didnโ€™t publish much blog post in 2016 since I was busy in my some other projects.

Connections: Website

[/su_box] [su_box title=”71. Vashishtha Kapoor – Vashishthakapoor.Com” box_color=”#317ec9″ radius=”0″]

I am about to complete the resolution of 2016. So, I have crossed the 70% of the way to my 2016’s resolution.

In 2017, my new year’s resolution is to settle the 2016’s resolution first. And then, I will be making efforts to help people in my industry to start a grow.

Connections: Website | Twitterย | Facebook[/su_box]


I would like to thank all those bloggers who shared their new year resolution. THANK YOU!! I hope it is very helpful. I try to post other expert roundup post in future.

If you like this post then don’t forget to give your valuable comments and also try to share it virally. If your friends shared their view, then tag and share it.

38 thoughts on “Best Ever New Year Resolutions of 71 Expert Bloggers”

  1. Hello, Sathish!

    Thank you so much for having me included in this precious round-up post! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am excited to find the new year resolutions from the great friends of mine.

    I wish you a good 2017! ๐Ÿ™‚

    ~ Adeel

  2. Hi Sathish

    After reading its title I planned to scroll down fast to know who participated in it and then would record my thanking comments.

    But reading a first few comments glued me to this post and read each and every expertโ€™s plans so keenly and receiving several options to modify my New Year resolutions.

    This is one of the qualities of a resource post that confused you on what to pick and what to skip. Seriously

    Much impressed by the plans of all especially of:
    Zac who plans to do some automated and recurring income projects and that reflects his online prowess to make big money that with manually done tasks now he is putting his efforts more on automation. That shows he is planning to broaden his business empire more massively. All the very best to him.

    Ryan is very write that those who perform usually run after numbers while those who create do whatever they want to do as and when they have an urge to create something awesome. He didn’t mean never follow your schedule. He advises don’t think everything could be done by being regular and punctual. Usually toppers are employees of backbenchers in online world. So don’t rely on scheduling and timing, first focus on quality and then go for quantity.

    Erik’s comments help us realize the importance of diversity even though whatever diverse income sources you have, you must keep trying to put more and more diversity in them.

    Erika’s one phrase “have to shine” is sufficient to make us understand importance of keeping pace with this fast moving world of technology where those who get slow actually canโ€™t keep pace with their competitors.

    Tips of my friend Donna speaks of the significance of being clear in your every blogging plan that’s she proved by mentioning her resolutions in clear terms without any lofty resolves but full of practical approach.

    I also love the views of Lorraine, Ikechi, Theodore, Kelli, Ted Rubin, Tor Refsland, Nirmala, Ankit, Anil, Atish, Jyoti, Guru, Nisha, Philip about what they plan to do in new year. In short every expert has shared very worth reading and worth noticing points here.

    I highly appreciate your hard work compiling it and love the way your format it to make it very interesting and easy to read.

    Thanks for sharing and keep coming with such amazing roundup posts.

    Have an incredible day.

    PS: Thanks a lot for including me in the list and covering my two cents in this very purposeful post.

    1. Yes, you’re right Muba I too modified and struggled a lot to fix my final resolution after reading these wonderful resolutions.
      I am so glad that you were impressed by this post and I thank you a lot for the time which you have spent to read this post.
      As you have told, Erik’s and others’ words are more inspirational which going to make this 2017 as a beautiful and fruitful year!!
      Have a great year ahead:)

    2. It’s my great pleasure to have your active participation on this excellent post. Here, your words act to be more precious one which added the worth of this blog!
      Have a Successful year ahead!!:)

  3. Hi Satish

    Thank you so much for the mention and it is great to read the resolution of other bloggers. What a post; Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week.

  4. It’s nice to know in advance what other bloggers are going to be doing this year! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    A suggestion would be to follow up with these in November… and see how many of us actually did what we said we were going to!!!

    1. Yes Lorraine, Let us have a suggestion as a checklist of the success of all our bloggers…It might also encourage us to achieve out targets in a right time..
      Have a beautiful year ahead!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Sathish, I know that you have taken some great efforts to make this post live, awesome!

    Making the huge round-up post is not an easy job, but your blogging passion had made it, good.

    Good to read the new year resolution of the dedicated bloggers and it is inspiring me to work more.

    BTW, where are your resolutions? If you would have added them in the post, then it would have been really helpful.

    Thanks for including my targets here!

    1. Hello Madam,
      You always support me, and it is much appreciated and really thanks for that. All the dedicated bloggers including you gave your resolutions in an inspiring way.

      All these works and participations are motivating and encouraging me a lot to provide more effort on my blogging work.

      Thanks have a fruitful year ahead!!

  6. Hi Sathish,

    Thanks for having me in this awesome round-up.

    Just completed reading the post and everyone has shared great tips along with their new year resolutions for the year.

    Wish you and all the other expert Good luck to achieve their 2017 resolutions by the end of the year.

    Vinay Katiyar

  7. Hi Sathish,

    Very interesting article.

    Everyone has New Year’s resolutions, and plans to make 2017 their most successful year of all.

    I wish everyone here, and all your wonderful readers the best in making their dreams come true… now… in 2017.

    I was honored to be asked to contribute to this article, and to be among so many great bloggers.


  8. Thanks Sathish for the feature, it was a great roundup with such great people.

    Definitely life without goals is pretty useless and it’s always a source of motivation to learn other people goals and new year resolutions.

    Hope it was a great read for your audience too.

  9. Hello Satish,
    It’s indeed a great joy to be part of this Mega roundup,! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I know very well the pain you took to make this possible. Well done my friend. Though i read i could not post a comment before but i shared all over my social sites. Good to read the decisions of my fellow bloggers. May all could fulfil those in this year.
    Wish all of them a wonderful and profitable 2017
    Keep up the good work.
    keep informed
    ~ Philip

    1. Thanks Philip for your graceful words!! Your sharing works are much appreciated and hope to have your best participation on my upcoming works!!
      And your words really motivating me to put more efforts to give a perfect work.. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks have a perfect year ahead!!

  10. Hey bro thanks for including me in the list. I got late to comment on, but still I wanted to say a big thanks for this great honour. I am reading the resolutions from other bloggers as well. They are really inspiring.


  11. Thanks for sharing this useful information! Hope that you will continue sharing this useful information! Hope that you will continue with Post is nicely written and it contains many good things for me. I am glad to find your impressive way of writing the post. Now it becomes easy for me to understand and implement the concept.

  12. We are already in the second half of the year and it is now a delayed comment on your article. But I feel, it is always good to make a planned resolution before the start of the year and keep small milestones for yourself throughout the year so you can achieve your resolution. The disruption caused by Covid-19 is unforeseen and many of us could achieve or partially achieve our resolutions.
    Your article brings a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of new ideas for making a change as a person in yourself through this wonderfully curated list of achievers. Would love to read new resolutions from other achievers for the year 2021.

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