In the earlier blog post, we have discussed the benefits of blogger outreach and guest blogging for SEO. Hope you have planned and get started with your guest posting campaigns. If you are struggling to choose perfect guest post titles to contribute content to other authority blogs, this article would be more helpful.
Surprisingly, the idea behind choosing the best titles for your blog posts and guest posts differ. Let us get into more in-depth to understand and single out the appropriate titles for guest posts. Also, we shall look at the best practices of guest blogging and ideas to get more opportunities contributing guest blogs. Know how to make most out of it.
Ideas to Discover Guest Posting Opportunities
The first and foremost crucial thing in a guest posting strategy is, finding the opportunities. That is the blogs or places where you want to contribute guest posts. When looking for such prospect, make sure to find blogs that are most relevant to your niche.
The blogs you are prospecting must match the below criteria:
- The content must be most relevant to your niche topic
- The blog audience must be curious about your industry
- The blog must have a highly engaged readership and social shares
- The blog owner must be more active on social networks
- The blog must have some moderate authority, at least
With all these factors, you can list down the blogs and refine to get started with building relationships, outreaching and contributing articles on those blogs.
Moreover, to find such opportunities – you can use Google searches, prolific guest bloggers in your industry who does regularly contribute guest articles on other articles, competitor’s backlinks, and social channel searches. Or if you just want a refined list of guest post accepting sites, you may check out here.
The next game is our core of this article. How to pick most potential guest post titles that get instant approval? Keep reading.
Pitching or reaching out to the bloggers with perfect topic suggestions would make huge differences.
How Crucial Are the Guest Posts Titles?
It is not something that you suggest multiple titles and randomly choosing between. Due to the guest posting popularity and vigorous competitions in the niche, bloggers won’t love to have the most generic and topics. They are tired of those typical topics. If the blogger or influencer you are reaching out loves your title, then you are half done. To make your phenomenon simple, you have to suggest the handpicked titles that must attract blog owners. Then, it’s your turn for the successful guest post submissions.
Even if the blogger announces that he accepts guest posts from other bloggers, there are plenty of other bloggers would approach. To beat them all and grab the opportunity, you have to be unique. Your ideas and approach must be unusual.
Tips to Choose Perfect Guest Post Titles
The titles you are choosing must attract both the Blog Owners & the Audiences.
To ensure that your guest post request to get approved, you must pitch with the perfect topic suggestions that work well with the audiences. Anyways, the blogger won’t accept the desires of the strangers. Before outreaching, you will have to get some recognition from the blog owner. You have to be a friend. Build rapport and then request for favors. You can help with their content promotion, social engagements, and more. Hence, you will get noticed. Ok, all set now.
It’s time to contact the bloggers with killer email template along with suitable blog posts topics. Below are the few actionable ideas to generate such guest posts titles.
#1 Understand Blog Nature and Audience
Once you decided your target site to contribute the guest article, it’s now time to pitch with the right topic. That is what every blog owner would love to accept. Finding the perfect guest post title that would be really useful to its audience, matters a lot.
However, you might be following the blog owner and blog posts for some days. By that time, you would have got familiar with the blog nature and its audience level. These understanding would help you much to choose a suitable topic for the guest post contribution.
Anyways, you will have the following ideas in mind. For an instant, what type of blog posts published as of now, the targeted audience is the beginner or intermediate or expert level, the outline of every published blog posts, what kind of posts are getting popular among its target audience and so on.
Furthermore, who are the guest posts contributors, previously published guest post titles, how it gets reach, etc. With these data altogether can get you involved to come up with your potential guest post topic.
#2 Analyze the topics that are Trending in Your Niche
Now, it’s the turn to analyze outside the globe. That is running an analysis around your niche in the market. Keep following top most blogs and influencer’s social accounts to keep updated with the latest trends in your niche. You may use social media management tools like Buzz Bundle to get notified with influencers updates on social networks, instantly. If you don’t have any such tools, own it on BuzzBundle Black Friday deals.
As I said earlier, most of the bloggers lost their interest in looking at the generic blog posts titles. Generally, they don’t like ‘how to build backlinks,’ ‘how to improve your SERP ranking,’ ‘importance of email marketing.’ Rather, if your topic is something like ‘Growth hacking ideas for a service-based business, ‘the ultimate guide on Voice Search’ and so on. As if you are ready to contribute content on topics that are curious among readers in your industry, then the opportunity is yours.
Creating content based on the target audience curiosity will never fail. Even, every blog owner would expect the same. Ultimately, we want to provide what the audiences want.
#3 Check through the Outdated Blog Posts and Renovate
You would have already gone through almost all the blog posts in your target guest posts website or blog. Among all, pick some well-performed posts. You can use tools like BuzzSumo to analyze the blog posts popularity across social platforms.
Another way, you can check the blog commenting section. People will comment, only if they love the content. Some commenters do for the sake of placing links. Anyways, omit it. Let’s consider the real commenters. Only the successful content holds a considerable volume of blog comments.
Surprisingly, you can well-understand the reader’s mind from the comments section. The comments section is the place where the publisher and the reader both interact with each other. The inputs over there can help you in multiple ways; to know audience mind as well as the expert’s ideas or suggestions on the topic.
Besides, you can use tools like Ahrefs to understand the target blog’s performance and standard completely. Also, you can check the most popular content of any particular authors.
Every blog archive will have a wealth of information. In either way, you can pick a blog post that is performed so well in the pasts. Now, you can reproduce the same with the latest information and renovate it with interesting facts.
Undoubtedly, this way you can appeal to the blogger to get your blog posts topic approved.
#4 Follow as much as Top Blogs in Your Niche
Reading is ultimate. Unless you read or follow as much as blogs in your niche, you cannot come up with ideas. The top favorite places like AllTop, Bloglines, etc. are the mines to dig more ideas and insights for topics and content creation.
You should not copy, but you can reproduce it by adding your values. Other platforms like Quora can help you immensely. Quora is the place where the experts will share their insights on any topic, transparently.
#5 Make Use of Tools to Generate an Impressive Title
At last, you have got enough ideas or subjects to draft a perfect title for your guest posts article on the target blog. How to frame it as an impressive title that will get you instant approval? How to make it appealing to go crazy among the audiences?
Make use of some famous tools like Title Generator, SEO Processor, Tweak You Biz and more. You may head over to its online website, enter your keywords or phrases and hit. You will be provided with hundreds of topics suggestions.
Moreover, your title must have trigger words that would compel the users to click through it. Ultimately, the title you are choosing must amaze the blog owner and the audience.
Best Practices of Guest Blogging Strategy
For anything you do, it is better to have a well-planned approach, strategically. So that, you can achieve what you desire. Likewise, the below are the must-to-do while pitching guest blogging on other blogs. Have a glance at it and practice for the better results.
#1 Read the Guidelines
The last thing to do before reaching out to the bloggers requesting opportunity is reading the guidelines correctly. It is not a hard rule that all the blog does have similar guidelines for contributing content as a guest. You will have to follow it closely. Does the blogger want you to suggest topics? How about the content length and linking? Do you want to send the content in Google Docs or put it in WordPress for review? These necessary things you are supposed to know before contacting the blog owners.
#2 Send Personalized Emails
Most of the bloggers would not pay interest in continue reading your emails; if it starts with merely ‘Hi,’ Despite you have sent well-impressive mail draft, it is no meaning if it is not personalized. The bloggers will get thousands of emails every day referring ‘Hello Sir/Madam,’ ‘Hi Team,’ ‘Dear Webmaster,’ and so on.
But don’t do that. You can find the blog owner’s name somewhere on the blog or on social media accounts. Get it and use it to send more personalized emails.
#3 Mention about You and Your Blog
Remember to check the bloggers who contributed guest posts earlier on the blog which you want to. Because most of the guest bloggers are bloggers, themselves and they might accept guest posts only from bloggers. In such cases, it is better to introduce you as a blogger and mention about your blog. Henceforth, it is wiser to focus on your blogging face too.
#4 Justify Why You Need to be a Guest Blogger
Make sure to include the fact behind why you should be a guest blogger. You can also add a few links to your previous guest posts and blog posts. Be sure to add few that hits higher social engagements. So that the blog owner can know your quality of the content and potential value that you can offer to their audience.
You can also mention your contribution to the various expert roundup series. Through all these, you have to bring confidence that your input can serve their audiences better.
Guest Blogging Pro-Tips to Make it More Successful
- You may check the number of comments that blog post generates. Using which, you can approximately estimate the amount of referral traffic you can drive with the guest post submission.
- Rather than links in the author section, include a contextual backlink in your guest post article that looks natural.
- Make sure to have your author bio section more impressive. It must be triggering the readers to click through your website or blog link.
- Research and spot some regular guest posts contributors. Note down the author bio text, copy it and use it in Google search within a quotation. You will get to know the places where they submitted guest articles. This idea would be more helpful in discovering hidden guest blogging opportunities.
Over To You on Guide to Choose Perfect Guest Post Titles
I have shared my detailed insights about guest blogging and ideas to pick the suitable guest posts titles or topics for pitching to the bloggers. You might have come across experts frequently contributing guest posts. Probably, one of the causes for its success would be throwing with perfect topic suggestions.
Hope with this article; you can able to generate such extraordinary guest post titles to get your guest post request approved. Now, it’s your turn to get started with guest posting strategy. And, it is no doubt that the bloggers will be interested in accepting your guest article if you are pitching with the right topic. Indeed, it must be informative and worth reading for its audiences.
Every blog owner would love to present content that is valuable for its readers. If you can do that, then you are most welcome.