Interview with Enstine Muki

Interview with Enstine Muki – The Strategic Online Marketer

Interview with Enstine Muki – Following our exciting interview with Basilis Kanonidis, here is our next with an achiever from Cameroon. He is not only a blogger; but also a PHP developer, and a cryptocurrency expert. To astonish you, he has more than 70 authors available to contribute guest articles to his blog. And also he is excellent in content marketing making any website content to go viral and making money online strategically.

Interview with Enstine Muki

In our today’s expert interview series, we have Enstine Muki, the popular blogger, certified Cryptocurrency expert and an online money making strategist. He must be an inspirational blogger and online marketer being originated from a country that has a poor internet facility. Moreover, he manages a blog in his name, Enstinemuki. Enstine is unique in his way of approach and providing solutions to any online business problems. As a passionate developer, he is the fountainhead of a few plug-ins and platforms like – EasyRetweet (sold-out), BlogExpose, MycommentAuthors, CashDonator, ViralBird, and much more.

Above all, it would be more pleased to know more about his online journey, money-making strategies, his products, and plug-ins, etc. from Enstine. Let’s get started.


1. Let’s get started with a brief introduction of your online journey. Also, share if there is something we don’t know about Enstine Muki so far.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share with your audience. I started online in 2009 with WealthyAffiliate but dropped a few months after due to Internet difficulty in my country. However, I made some money which was quite thrilling.

In 2011, I came back with the creation of That was the beginning of more serious things for me online. I used it for a year, generated over $11000 from sales of units on the platform and then sold it out for $13500 to a member in 2012.

Many of my online friends and readers don’t know I’m a Christian and preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I minister in my local assemblies and my country.

2. How could you be such keener with these terms: CryptoCurrency, Blogging, WordPress, and App development?

First, the Internet has everything for anyone to become anything. I had an interest in HTML in 2004. Then I upgraded to PHP/MySQL. As a web developer, I did EasyRetweet, and this brought in many bloggers. That pulled me to blogging, and in 2016, I went into cryptocurrency where I got a certification in early 2018 as Cryptocurrency Expert. I have written more about it here.

3. What makes you develop that plug-ins – EasyRetweet, CashDonator, and ViralBird and so on? I am sure that there will be strong reasons behind every creation.

My idea of EasyRetweet came from a Twitter site called Twiends. Within one year of running EasyRetweet, I had over 10k active members with millions of Twitter followers altogether.

ViralBird initially was a Pay-with-a-tweet kind of idea. It was a content locker standalone script. I had some bit of success with it but didn’t lay resources on it.

CashDonator was an ad management plugin for WordPress. It allowed users to create ad boxes anywhere on their WP blogs. These boxes could contain anything. But I didn’t see a future in the plugin idea given that most premium themes we beginning to be more flexible.

As a matter of fact, I have developed and sold some other plugins and platforms. I think I like being a serial entrepreneur 😉

4. What do you say as your great achievement so far in the blogging industry? Also, the great fall.

I think the relationships I have built this far is my biggest achievement. There is nothing as impressive as being able to talk with tons of professional bloggers worldwide and relate with them on a more personal note.

With time, I have become a better writer and blogger. I have written three different books, two for content marketers and 1 for cryptocurrency lovers. These are all good stuff that has come my way and thanks to the connections, these products have been taken to many different readers.

I still need to work on my traffic. Dangling between many different things is a weak point. But I need to focus on my blog and grow its readership.

5. What would be the next phase of WordPress? What improvement or enhancement you expect from further?

With the new block editor as from version 5 of WP, Gutenberg is just the beginning of tougher days for drag & drop content editors.

WordPress aims to be a complete site maker. This moves it from the number 1 Content Management System to a complete site builder. It will allow users to not only change content but deal with the complete site template

6. What do you think about the future of blogging? What recommendations do you provide for the new upcoming bloggers?

The future is information and blogging will only become stronger — blogs power over 60% of information online today in my opinion. So one should only expect an upward trend in this dominance.

Newbie bloggers should pay more attention to content skills – text or video. Content Skills should be more semantic than mere words.

Secondly, they should strive to connect with other bloggers. “Relationships” is a strong SEO factor. That’s how I see it. When you connect with many more content marketers, they will link out to you.

7. What are your recommended income sources to make money from blogging, especially for new bloggers? How to monetize a blog during its early days.

First, I would ask new bloggers to focus on content strategy. Build a community, and once you get readers, there are many ways to make money. I have written on 15 different ways bloggers make money so I won’t be able to say which is most appropriate for a newbie.

The reason is that we both have different skills. We may be new to blogging but experts in something else. In that case, one may start with selling his/her services or products

If anyone wants to begin with Affiliate Marketing, A good start point is the products they already use. Start by promoting what already works for you. That way, you can share your experiences and results to boost conversion.

8. What type of content or content promotion strategies do you follow to increase your blog traffic?

There is nothing that works better than first of all building a solid and link-worthy blog. People get attracted to the content you publish. If you fail to produce shareable content, anything else will fail.

The type of content should be content that promotes itself. In any niche, you can produce content that solves problems, and that will make it go viral. Though content marketing and content type is a discussion beyond the scope of this interview, what I recommend is you focus on solutions and networking with other bloggers.

9. How much time and efforts it will take for a newbie to make money from blogging?

How much time it takes to make money from a blog depends on how much time you put in to blog and if you are treating your blog as a business. If you are so passive, it may take longer. If you get actively involved, doing the right things, you may see your first earnings within a few days.

But blogging for income isn’t quick money. You need time to build a steady income stream. If you want to blog to give you the kind of income to live on, time is a factor.

10. What are the link building techniques you prefer to build for

First, I hate blackhat.

Second, I focus on good relationships and guest posting. Interviews such as this do give me backlinks as well.

One thing I have known that works so well is to link out to others selflessly. If you do, you get back those links from many other sources. I mentioned this in this post on my blog

11. What are all the premium SEO or blogging tools you use, without which you cannot get hold with your blogging success?

I’m an avid WordPress user. And for other tools, SEMrush is the master.

12. Has your blog impacted by any Google updates and faced ranking drops, so far?

I haven’t had issues with Google updates and ranking drops this far, and I don’t ever want to get to that. Keeping to Google TOS will always keep one far from penalties.

13. These days’ guest blogging opportunities are hard to grab. How do you see it?

Yes, it isn’t easy because Guest Blogging has once been messed up and Google warned against it. So website owners have tightened their rules.

Secondly, people only see guest blogging as an SEO activity. That means if your Domain authority is somewhere below 30, you may not get enough attention. If you guest post for networking, you will not find any problem submitting to DA -20 blogs. I think site owners are just more careful and smarter too.

14. Name some blogs or bloggers for beginners to follow monetizing their blog.

I often don’t tell people to read this or that blog. That’s because it’s hard to find a blog that has everything in a well-arranged manner.

What I recommend is to go to Google and google out what you want. Google will give you well-filtered information, answering your exact questions. But for general information, your readers should stick around your blog here, visit my friends like Shoutmeloud, bloggerspassion, and of course my own blog.

15. Share your valuable feedback about our blog Traffic Crow.

I like the simplicity and airy nature of blog Traffic Crow, especially the home page. No cloudy nonsense or distractions. Keep it up

Final Take Away

I hope the insights shared by Enstine would be useful in a way or either to grow your blog, monetize it and branding.

To put it simply, Enstine highly insists on building the relationship with other bloggers or any online publishers. This will help you in several ways, and you are not left alone in the blogosphere. There are blogging friends to accompany you in your content promotions, link building, guest posting or anything.

If you have any other questions to get a valuable answer from Enstine, mark it in the comments section below.

2 thoughts on “Interview with Enstine Muki – The Strategic Online Marketer”

  1. The Crypto Staunch

    Nice interview content with Enstine Muki. I just wish i could get such interview like him as well, because i have a lot to pass to people concerning how i also started my own blogging business

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