Interview With Nathan Gotch

TCBI 06: Interview With Nathan Gotch From GotchSEO

I am more cheerful to have a chance to Interview with Nathan Gotch from Gotch SEO and Gotch SEO Academy. An enthusiastic blogger and intense to help us in getting more traffic, and thus leads through effective SEO.

Through his Gotch SEO Academy, he does offer valuable SEO courses to build up your skills and stuff to hone yourself regarding knowledge and experience related to SEO.

Thanks a lot for your interest in spending your fair time with us. I do have a strong hope that this interview series would be more helpful for my readers. Let’s get into that.


Interview With Nathan Gotch From GotchSEO

In addition to our expert’s interviews series, following interview with Terry Kyle from WPX Hosting, interview with Gopal Krishnan From 4 Hour Facebook Funnel and latest interview with Pradeep Kumar from HellBoun Bloggers – we have today Nathan Gotch from GOTCH SEO with us. With his extraordinary talent in the domain, he is popular with his online SEO and digital marketing courses through GOTCH SEO Academy.

Let us have an enthusiastic interview session with Nathan to discover more ideas and tips from his expertise. We shall have a discussion all about blogging, outreach strategies, content making, and more interesting and informative topics. Let’s get started?

Prior to that, let us thank him for the acceptance and convey our breeze welcome, Nathan!

#1. Of course, you are a well-known shot. Though could you, please tell about yourself for those Nathan is a stranger?

My name is Nathan Gotch and I’m 28 years old. I founded Gotch SEO back in 2013 and my company sells SEO training programs and white label services.

#2. How could you predict SEO as an evergreen domain?

I would be lying if I said I “predicted it because I learned SEO out of pure necessity. I struggled to get ANY traffic to my first niche website and that’s what led me to SEO. I was hooked ever since.

#3. Do you guess that there is a fall in the importance of building backlinks?

Backlinks are still a big ranking factor, but I do feel there are other factors that are just as important now. Meaning, a few years ago, you could power pretty much any website up with backlinks. Even if the website didn’t deserve to rank. Now, you have to be effective on several different fronts. Some areas that have to be mastered include technical SEO/user experience, SEO content developing (creating great keyword-targeted pages), and extending your brand’s presence on relevant blogs and platforms.

#4. Could you please share your unique strategy for workflow and time management?

I use a sheet that sits right next to me called “Daily Targets”. I set actionable targets such as how many social media posts I’ll publish today and how many videos I want to create for the week. This has proven to be the most effective system for getting a lot done. In addition to that, I manage my projects and workflows in Asana.

#5. We wanted to know from your perspective about the successful way to Outreach any high authority blogs.

What you’re doing with this interview a get way to build relationships with the individuals who have influence within any industry. But outside of that, you have to take building relationships with influencers seriously. Don’t try to hit a home run on your first interaction. Genuinely try to figure out how you can add value to the influencers life. That’s the first step. If you skip this step, you won’t have much success.

#6. Content Marketing has its vital role in SEO. How would be the Content get evolved in upcoming years?

The content strategy side of SEO is evergreen in my opinion. Meaning, it’s not going to change much. There are really only two types of SEO content that you can create: A) a keyword-targeted page or B) a non-keyword targeted page that acts as link bait.

#7. What is trending SEO and digital marketing now- a- days?

Voice search is probably the most interesting thing happening in our industry at the moment. I’ve also been thinking a lot about artificial intelligence and how Google is advancing on that front. All you can do to counter these changes is to build your brand, continue adding value to your prospects and to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.

#8. What is your opinion about running multiple blogs? Do you recommend to do so?

It’s a very challenging endeavor to try to operate more than blog successfully. I’m someone who has to focus on one thing or I’ll get action paralysis. So, trying to juggle multiple blogs has never been my forte.

#9. What are all the blogs that impressed you much and still you recommend to continue following?

I don’t follow as many blogs as I used to, but there are countless SEOs who are worth following such as Brian Dean, Ryan Stewart, Nick Eubanks, Ross Hudgens, Matt Diggity, and too many others to list here.

#10. Whether we shall employ PBN networks for SEO? Is that a kind of Penalized?

I don’t personally use PBNs anymore because the risk vs reward is too lopsided at this point.

#11. Do you recommend affiliate marketing promoting multiple niches on same blog or Micro-niche works out well?

I like keeping my websites tightly relevant and that would also apply to any others I’m promoting as well.

#12. What is the best monetization strategy to make money through online? Do you guess that making money through blogs is an enduring for a long run?

The FASTEST way to make money through online is through consulting or full-service marketing (SEO, Facebook ads, social media, etc.). As far as the “best”, I would have to say my favorite model is building an authority website and then selling my own products.

#13. What makes you get started with Content Academy? And how do you see your fellow followers getting benefits from that?

Content Academy is a splintered training course from our larger training program, Gotch SEO Academy. Content Academy shows you how to create perfect SEO content (that Google and your readers love) from point A-Z.

#14. Throw your win-win strategy or suggestions for my readers to get rid of struggles through blogging.

As cliche as it is, focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to spend 40 hours creating an incredibly valuable content asset than it is to pump up a bunch of micro pieces of content.


Thank you so much for your more responsive interview. Hope to see Gotchseo as the one-stop place to learn anything about SEO and online marketing. And, I am more excited about adding your interview sessions as another exciting piece of article to delight my readers. Hope, it would be a quite interesting and valuable too.


2 thoughts on “TCBI 06: Interview With Nathan Gotch From GotchSEO”

  1. Thanks Nathan for providing us useful insights on SEO. As Nathan said that the content strategy side of SEO is evergreen, we need to focus on creating valuable, fresh and unique content to keep our website visitors engaged. Keeping a PBN away from your SEO strategies will definitely be beneficial as Google is already targeting PBNs that might hamper your SEO efforts.
    We wish you a good luck for your SEO and online marketing training programs.

  2. Julie,

    Yes, it’s great to produce evergreen content than seasonal content. Also, updating the old posts with added content and updated information would also help. I am an avid follower of Nathan admiring his SEO kinds of stuff.

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