
How to Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Are you a blogger, affiliate marketer and seeking to boost your affiliate marketing sales on black Friday? If your answer is yes then you are at the perfect place. In Today’s post, I am going to show you exact ways you can follow to boost your sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. So let’s dive into today’s post…!!!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are about to come…!!!

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Affiliate Marketers, Webmasters and Bloggers are getting high chances to earn a hell lot of money via affiliate marketing. Most of the years, bloggers are earning more money on black Friday as compared to the whole year and if you are also serious this year, you can do the same just by following the below-mentioned ways.

Today, I am going to show you some of the proven ways to make quick money during Black Friday via boosting your affiliate conversion.

Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Sales On Black Friday

What is Black Friday & Cyber Monday?

Why are they THE BEST Days to earn money via affiliate marketing?

Black Friday is the next day of Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are few days when big brands give a huge discount on their products.

You can expect discount like 50% to 80% of most of the brands in those days. Due to this heavy discount, you will find many people who are buying those products. If you are following these days, then I am sure you know that there are many people who are waiting for these days to come so that they can buy products at a huge discount.

You will get discounts on products like software, tools, hosting, themes, plugins and on many other popular things on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Due to discounts, many people tend to buy products and that’s where you can make money from affiliate marketing if you can reach out to those people with your affiliate marketing skills.

There are many bloggers and affiliate marketers too who wait for these days and then they boost their affiliate funnel with the right strategy and get huge sales too. So if you are blogger or affiliate marketer, this is the right time to focus on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

By the way, you are not the only seller or affiliate marketer in your niche. There are hundreds and thousands of bloggers and webmasters promote the same product that you targets. Still, how to make your promotional campaigns potential to make your readers to purchase from you? Be strategic with these ideas. 

Let’s get started with proven ways to make money during black friday.

#1. Find Out The Right Product and Right Offer To Promote

The first actionable tip to boost your affiliate marketing sales on Black Friday is to find out right product and right offer for your audience.

Yes, this is pretty basic yet most important steps towards your success.

You will get hundreds of offers to promote on Black Friday. Unfortunately, you cannot promote all of them and get success. If you want to boost your sales then you must come up with the right product and right offers for your audience.

As a website owner or blog owner, you know your audience in the best possible way. You should decide which product will be suitable for your audience and what is the highest price your audience can pay for any product. On the basis of these questions, you can decide the best product and offer for your audience. Always consider audience need while choosing the products.

You can choose the product in the following ways:

1.1 - Check your mails Regularly

Most of the companies are promoting offers before they make it live for people. You will get special time and date for offers from companies if you are an affiliate marketer. 

During Black Friday or Cyber Monday offers, companies are sending mail to each affiliate regarding offers, dates and promo codes. So you must check your emails regularly to get the latest information from the company about the product and best offer.

1.2 - Check Affiliate Account

As an Affiliate Marketer, you will have an affiliate account for each product. You can also check out your account and its dashboard before black Friday or cyber Monday to get an idea about best offers. Most of the companies are showing their best offers in an affiliate account. So I am sure you can get enough information from it for sure.

1.3 - Analysis of Past Year or Competitor's Analysis

To find out the best products and its offers, you can check some of the previous year’s black Friday and cyber Monday post too. You will surely come to know about the products and its offers though offer may vary a bit by time. You can use the same product for yourself too if you like the products and the offers.

One more way to find out good products and offers is to do competitor’s analysis. Believe me, if you can do the right analysis, you can find the best offers for sure. You just need to make a list of your top competitors and then you can spy on their sites and find out which products they are promoting. You can also promote the same products and offer if you are having the same audience.

#2. Write The Best Content

Content is king and it will remain king forever. You need to create the best content to boost your affiliate marketing sales on black Friday and cyber Monday. There are various ways you can create content for your site during black Friday and cyber Monday. If you are hiring any content writer then make sure you are hiring the best because without great content you won’t be able to generate sales.

Here is how you can create content for your blog during black Friday and cyber Monday:

2.1 - In-Depth Product Reviews

This is the first way to create content if you are looking forward to boosting your sales. This is the way most of the bloggers are using and if you want, you can also do the same. By writing, in-depth product reviews, you can expect some quality organic traffic and good conversion too. For more information, check out the in-depth wpx hosting review I have written.

There are many products on which you will get a discount during black Friday and cyber Monday. So if you want to go this way to create content, you should start before a month at least. Make a list of products and choose the best products from them. Once you are done with best products, start creating an in-depth review of them and publish them.

Make sure you include proper advantages, disadvantages, CTA, Buy Now button with your affiliate links while creating content. Focus more on your design too as it will attract the buyer on black Friday and cyber Monday.

You can also include videos for to boost your affiliate sales on black Friday. Videos will work like charm for sure. You can even publish your videos on YouTube with your affiliate links and expect good conversion from there too. It’s all about how you create content and videos and how you market them.

2.2 - Create Case Studies

The second best way to create content for your blog is by creating best case studies. People love case study because they gain some great insight into them. Most of the time, Case Studies are getting higher conversion as compared to other articles.

You can create case studies like how you got good results by using XYZ host for your blogs. In that case study, you just need to include advantages of XYZ host with your results carefully. If you can create awesome case study like this then you can surely boost your conversion.

With a case study, people will believe in your article as you have clearly shown the results. Due to good results, people will surely believe in the product you are trying to promote via a case study. So it is one of the marketing tactics you should use during black Friday and cyber Monday to increase your sales.

2.3 - Write Category & Product Based Articles

One more way to create a good article is to write category & product based articles. Believe me, such articles can convert really well. You can create and promote a similar product in a single article only.

You can write on the following topics:
#1. Best WordPress Hosting Black Friday Deals ​
#2. Top WordPress Cyber Monday Offers

These are the few examples of the articles which you can create and promote. I am sure you will get a good conversion with them as they are highly converting for many bloggers. You should always focus on right content while posting these types of blog post articles. Include advantages and disadvantages for each of them properly and add your affiliate links with care.

#3. Power of Landing Pages

Landing pages are highly used by smart affiliates in every industry today to boost sales. Landing pages are proven way to make quick sales as it gives less distraction and your visitor can focus on the single call to action button.

It is the quickest way to boost your affiliate marketing sales on black Friday. You just need to find best products and its offers. Once you are done, create a great landing page with all those offers, add your links at proper places, add a call to action button whenever need and promote your landing page.

You can send your landing page via emails to your email subscribers or post landing page on social media to get referral traffic.

Just make sure you create the best landing page for your site that converts the best. If you want, take examples of a good landing page and create one for yourself. Even if you don’t know how to create a good landing page, you can hire someone to create one for you.

You can use WordPress plugins like Thrive Architect, Divi, OptimizePress, or LeadPages if you are having the site on WordPress CMS. I have created most blog posts using Thrive Architect and I've been able to increase my affiliate sales. If you wish to buy the Thrive Architect Plugin, then visit my page for the Thrive Architect Black Friday offer.

#4. Build Quality Backlinks to Rank Higher

Backlinks are one of the powerful SEO factors to rank high in any search engine. Without good ranking, you cannot get traffic or sales during black Friday or cyber Monday. So if you are having a long-term blog then you should start making quality backlinks long before black Friday and cyber Monday.

Nowadays, making backlinks is quite hectic as no one is ready to give backlinks but if you are smart enough then I am sure you can make a good number of quality dofollow backlinks for your blog.

Here I am showing you some good way to make backlink for your long-term blog which you can even use for Black Friday and Cyber Monday:

4.1 - Expert Roundup Post

This is the easiest and fastest way to make backlink for your blog. There are many bloggers who are inviting other bloggers to take part in a roundup post. You should have good knowledge about the topic before you participate in such expert roundup posts.

If you have some good social presence and good name in blogging world then I am sure you can attract a good number of expert round up invitation for yourself easily. Make sure you add value by providing your valuable answer in the roundup post and get backlink too. If you are looking for expert roundup samples then you can view Time Management & New Year Resolution posts on my site.

4.2 - Guest Post

Guest Posts are an old and traditional way to make backlinks for a long-term blog.

Yes, it is still powerful but it takes time. So you should have some patience while doing a guest post.

Always choose a good blog with decent traffic for a guest post. Make sure you provide the best article on that blog while guest posting. You will get lots of new audiences too by guest post so that will also give you more benefits. With the guest post, you can start a new relationship with other blogger and if you can manage your relationship in a good way, you can have lots of benefits in the future too.

4.3 - Natural Backlinks Due To Quality Content

This is the best form of backlinks you will ever get for your blog. If you are creating good content then I am sure other people will like to add your content link in their article as a reference. You should have a good relationship with other bloggers here to attract natural backlinks.

You make ask for backlinks too if you have good content. You can reach your fellow bloggers via email and ask them to link your site and if you are having great quality content, you will surely get good success too.

There are many other ways to make backlinks for a long-term blog like outreach, Skyscraper Technique, HARO Technique, Infographics submission and lot more. You may try them too to boost your affiliate marketing sales on black Friday.

#5. Promote Your Offers

You cannot make a single sale if you don’t promote your offers.

The above line is the harsh truth you must accept if you are serious about sales on Black Friday. If you are just creating good content but not promoting it with right people then you might end up with zero sales.

Promotion is the key to earn money in any area. If you are having good writing skill but zero marketing skill then you cannot make any money with your blog posts, especially via affiliate marketing. So promotion is a must to boost your affiliate marketing sales and make money on black Friday.

So let me show you some of the best ways to promote your articles and make sales from it:

5.1 - Use Power of Social Media

Social Media is quite powerful and if you can use it in the best way, you can improve your social media profiles for sure.

I am sure as a blogger or affiliate marketer, you will have social handles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus and on other social platforms too. You can get most out of them on black Friday and cyber monday.

You can promote all your offers to your followers on social media using your blog links or landing page link. If your followers are also bloggers or marketers, they will surely buy things from your links.

Always promote the right offers to your audience. Don’t just throw a bunch of links and offers in which no is interested. Find the interest of your audience first and then promote accordingly.

You can even promote products on your personal profiles on social media and if you are an influencer, you can surely attract lots of sales from personal profiles.

5.2 - Use Power of Email List

Your Email list is your hidden wealth which you can use for events like black Friday and cyber Monday. Building an Email List is an art and it takes a good amount of time.

If you are having a long-term blog or website then I am sure you will be collecting emails and building an email list for sure. Black Friday and Cyber Monday is the right time to use Email List and increase affiliate marketing sales during black Friday.

You can use Convert kit, MailerLite or any other Email Marketing tool to send emails to your email subscribers and I am sure such mail will convert to high conversion.

5.3 - Paid Promotion

One more way to promote your offers and content during Black Friday and Cyber Monday is paid promotions. You should be smart while doing paid promotion for your blog.

You can try by running ads on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and check the results. Even if you are expert then you can also try Google Adwords to run your ads and boost affiliate marketing sales on black Friday.

#Final Words on How to Boost Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales

Really Black Friday and Cyber Monday are best days to earn huge amount of money via affiliate marketing. You need to work hard for sure if you are really serious but it will give great results too.

I have shared the above tips and tricks from my own experience and observations only. I am also using the above ways to boost my sales during Black Friday & Cyber Monday. You may find many other illegal ways like giving huge cashback too to promote your offers but they are not really that converting and your account might get banned if your affiliate company comes to know about such thing.

So I always prefer safe and best ways for promotion. All the above ways are used by many good bloggers and marketers and I am sure you can also achieve success on Black Friday and Cyber Monday if you really follow them.

So start following them from today only and see the success you get on this Black Friday and cyber Monday sales.

Feel free to share this awesome post with your friends and show them how to boost black Friday sales without discounting. Feel free to share your thoughts and questions via comment box.

Support: This post contains affiliate links through which I earn a small commission against qualifying purchase, at no cost to you.

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2 thoughts on “How to Boost Your Affiliate Marketing Sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday”

  1. Hey Sathish Arumugam,

    Great post with effective tips to boost an affiliate marketing sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I really like your post and especially the tips that you have included, whereas your all the suggested tips are effective to boost the sales. Finding the right product and right offer to promote, checking out the emails on regular basis and checking the affiliate accounts will helps a lot. It is true that content is a king and plays a vital role, hence it is really essential to create best & high quality content to boost an affiliate marketing sales. As people are always looking for a type of content that is of high quality, relevant to their expectation and absolutely an informative piece for them. So that they could gain information and ideas that they want. Writing the product reviews in depth will helps a lot and will also allows them to get a deep knowledge about the product. Writing the product reviews in depth will also helps to boost an organic traffic and conversion. Writing product based articles also works well. Backlinks also plays an important role and is also an important seo factor to boost rank, hence creating high quality backlinks also means a lot. Doing an expert roundup
    post and guest post also generates backlinks. Whereas guestpost provide us an opportunity to connect, share our ideas & knowledge with other great bloggers. Promoting the offers and social media platforms also provide good benefits. Your all the listed tips are helpful and adopting these tips will absolutely boost an affiliate marketing sales. As this post will helps
    many readers and people.

    Really helpful post and thanks for sharing.

  2. hey.. nice and useful post about Black friday and cyber monday…keep up the good work 🙂
    Nowadays Cyber Monday has become the online equivalent to Black Friday and offers a way for smaller retail websites to compete with larger chains.

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